Tomato Chutney
Tomato Chutney
5 from 4 votes
Tomato chutney is a spicy and tangy condiment made from fresh ripe tomatoes, onion, garlic, and a variety of spices. It is a delectable dip that adds a lot of flavour and taste to Indian dishes.
Tomato Chutney

Let’s journey together into the world of Tomato Chutney – a sumptuous delight that can make even the most mundane meals seem like a culinary masterpiece. Now, I bet you’re wondering, why Tomato Chutney, right? Hold on to your chef hats, for we are about to embark on a delicious expedition.

In the beginning, there were tomatoes…or so I like to think when it comes to this recipe. You see, tomatoes have a rich and varied history.

They’re believed to have originated in western South America, around Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, later travelling up to Central America and Mexico, where they became a staple of the local cuisine.

Similarly, the concept of chutneys has its roots in Indian cuisine. Hence, tomato chutney can be seen as a delightful cultural fusion, a recipe that brings together the best of multiple worlds.

Now, before we get all tangled up in tomatoes and the concept of chutney, let’s address the elephant in the room. How difficult is it to make this recipe? Is it something that requires the culinary skills of a five-star chef, or can a novice tackle it with the right guidance?

Well, I’m pleased to report that making tomato chutney falls neatly into the ‘easy-peasy’ category. You don’t need any fancy techniques or hard-to-find ingredients. In fact, the ingredients list may already exist in your kitchen pantry!

However, that’s not to say that the process is dull or uninspiring. On the contrary, it’s a fun little adventure that involves sautéing cumin and mustard seeds till they release their fragrant aromas.

Simmering tomatoes until they surrender into a soft, pulpy mix, and stirring in red wine vinegar and brown sugar to create the perfect balance of tang and sweetness. It’s a symphony of flavours and fragrances that is truly a treat to prepare.

Let’s not forget about the role of red onions, garlic, and red chilli. These ingredients not only add depth and character to the chutney but also ensure it packs a punch in terms of flavour. After all, why settle for the ordinary when you can have the extraordinary, right?

So, why choose Tomato Chutney? It’s simple, versatile, and delightfully delicious. It is a culinary chameleon, transforming itself to complement whatever you serve it with.

It can act as a zingy dip for your chips, an accompaniment to your main course, or a tangy spread on your sandwiches. The options are endless, and the choice is yours.

In the end, preparing Tomato Chutney is not just about cooking; it’s about creating an experience, a memory. It’s about watching simple, everyday ingredients transform into something spectacular.

It’s about adding a dash of flavour to my meals and a sprinkle of joy to my life. It’s about the magic that happens when we allow ourselves to experiment and explore in the kitchen. So, are you ready to dive into the world of Tomato Chutney? Because I sure am!

What Ingredients to Use & Why

I love cooking, and I particularly enjoy the meditative process of preparing a beautiful, tangy tomato chutney. The recipe is surprisingly simple, but each ingredient brings its unique contribution to the flavour palette, making it a perfect symphony of tastes.

So let’s dive into what makes these ingredients special and why they have a reserved spot in this recipe.

Ripe Tomatoes: A tomato chutney is simply incomplete without juicy ripe tomatoes. They serve as the base for this recipe, providing a natural sweetness and tanginess. Their acidity adds an exciting edge to the chutney, while the rich lycopene content provides excellent health benefits.

If you don’t have fresh tomatoes, canned ones work fine, although they might bring a slightly different flavour profile to your chutney.

Red Onion: The red onions offer a nice contrast to the sweetness of the tomatoes. Their natural pungency and crunch add texture to the chutney, making it more enjoyable with every bite.

You could substitute them with white onions if needed, though the sweet undertones of red onions tend to complement tomatoes better.

Garlic: As a tried-and-true flavour enhancer, garlic adds depth to this chutney with its distinct, strong flavour. The cloves are minced, allowing them to disperse their taste evenly throughout the chutney. If you’re not a fan of strong garlic flavours, shallots could be a milder alternative.

Red Chilli: The red chilli is responsible for the delightful heat in this chutney. Depending on your heat preference, you can adjust the quantity or type of chilli used. If you want a milder heat, consider using bell peppers instead.

Cumin Seeds & Mustard Seeds: These two spices are lumped together as they play similar roles, providing an earthy aroma and a unique depth of flavour. Cumin has a warm, slightly bitter undertone, while mustard seeds add a bit of pungency and a delightful crunch.

Coriander seeds could be an alternative for cumin, and fenugreek seeds for mustard.

Olive Oil: Olive oil is used to sauté the spices and to bring out their flavours, creating a deeper and more intricate taste profile. Its health benefits are a great bonus. You could use other oils like sunflower or canola, but they might not give the same richness as olive oil.

Salt: Salt is crucial for bringing all the flavours together and highlighting the sweetness of the tomatoes and onions. It can be adjusted according to your taste, but remember, a chutney without enough salt will taste flat.

Red Wine Vinegar: Red wine vinegar provides an additional tang to the chutney, complementing the natural acidity of the tomatoes. It also helps in preserving the chutney for a longer duration. If unavailable, apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar could be used as substitutes.

Brown Sugar: Brown sugar enhances the natural sweetness of the tomatoes, balancing out the acidity and spiciness of the other ingredients. You could substitute it with white sugar, but brown sugar has a more complex flavour that adds to the overall depth of the chutney.

Storing Tomato Chutney: The Best Practices

If there’s one thing I love about making tomato chutney, it’s the prospect of enjoying its tangy-sweet goodness long after the cooking process is over. Tomato chutney can be stored effectively, and I’m here to guide you on how to do it right.

After cooking the chutney and allowing it to cool down, I transfer it into clean, airtight jars. Glass jars work perfectly for this. The chutney needs to be stored in the refrigerator and can last up to 4-6 weeks.

In my experience, the flavour often improves after a couple of days, once the ingredients have had time to blend together.

However, to extend the shelf life, I occasionally can the chutney using a water bath method. This involves placing the filled jars in boiling water, and creating a vacuum seal when they cool. This method helps the chutney last for up to a year in a cool, dark place.

While refrigerating or canning, it’s essential to use a clean spoon every time you serve to avoid introducing bacteria. I also recommend keeping an eye on the consistency and smell. If the chutney looks or smells off, I don’t take chances. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Storing chutney correctly means you can enjoy it whenever you want, adding a burst of flavour to your dishes. Remember, preparation and storage is key in preserving your chutney’s quality and flavour.

Freezing Tomato Chutney: A Detailed Guide

As an avid cook, I’m always exploring ways to maximize the shelf life of my creations. Freezing is one method I often turn to, especially with tomato chutney. This might seem surprising, but trust me, it works.

After preparing the tomato chutney and letting it cool down, I portion it into freezer-safe containers or bags. I prefer using containers because they keep the chutney’s shape, but bags can save a lot of space.

Remember, it’s crucial to leave some headspace in the containers as the chutney can expand during freezing.

When I want to use frozen chutney, I defrost it overnight in the refrigerator or use the defrost function on my microwave. It’s vital to heat it thoroughly before serving it for the best taste.

Freezing doesn’t significantly alter the chutney’s texture or taste, but it might lose some of its freshness compared to when freshly prepared. However, when used as a condiment, it’s usually hard to notice any difference.

In my experience, frozen tomato chutney can last up to 6 months. However, for best quality, I use it within 2-3 months. It’s an excellent way to savour my homemade tomato chutney during off-season periods when ripe tomatoes might be hard to come by.

By freezing tomato chutney, you’re opening the doors to enjoying your homemade condiment any time of the year. It’s a fantastic way to preserve the bounty of a summer tomato harvest for colder months when you need that extra bit of warmth and flavour in your meals.

Perfect Dish Pairings for Tomato Chutney

As a fan of tomato chutney, one of the things I enjoy the most is exploring different ways to serve it. Tomato chutney is wonderfully versatile, making it a fantastic accompaniment for a variety of dishes.

Tomato chutney’s tangy and slightly sweet flavour profile allows it to complement a range of foods, creating an exciting fusion of tastes on your palate. One of my favourite ways to serve it is with grilled or roasted meats. The chutney’s acidity cuts through the richness of the meat, providing a delightful balance.

In addition, I find that tomato chutney pairs well with cheese. It’s a delicious accompaniment to a cheese platter, and it adds a unique twist to grilled cheese sandwiches. Its tanginess contrasts beautifully with the creamy, rich flavours of cheese.

If you’re into Indian cuisine as much as I am, you’ll find that tomato chutney works wonderfully with various snacks and appetizers. Try serving it with samosas or pakoras. You can also serve it alongside Indian bread like naan or roti.

Incorporating tomato chutney in your sandwiches can take them to a whole new level. Whether it’s a simple turkey sandwich or a gourmet chicken panini, a smear of tomato chutney provides an extra layer of flavour that’s hard to resist.

But don’t limit yourself to these options! I’ve found that the versatility of tomato chutney allows for experimentation. I’ve tried it with scrambled eggs, spread it on pizzas, or mixed it into my pasta sauce – all with delicious results.

Ultimately, pairing tomato chutney with your dishes can elevate your culinary creations. Don’t be afraid to experiment – you might just stumble upon a combination that becomes your new favourite.

Using Green Tomatoes in Chutney

I’m a big believer in recipe experimentation, and one question I’ve often pondered is, “Can green tomatoes replace ripe ones in a chutney recipe?” The answer is an emphatic yes.

Green tomatoes are simply unripe tomatoes, and while their flavour profile differs significantly from their ripe counterparts, they lend a unique taste to chutneys that are worth trying.

The first thing I noticed when I tried green tomatoes in my chutney recipe was the tanginess. Green tomatoes have a sharper, more acidic flavour than ripe tomatoes. While ripe tomatoes offer a sweet, mellow tanginess in chutney, green tomatoes give it a zestier kick.

When I prepare chutney with green tomatoes, I sometimes need to adjust the quantity of vinegar and sugar in the recipe. Because of the additional tartness from the green tomatoes, I might reduce the vinegar a bit and add a little more sugar to achieve a balanced flavour.

Texture-wise, green tomatoes tend to hold their shape better during cooking, resulting in a chunkier chutney. This can be a pleasant variation if you like a bit more bite in your condiments.

One thing to note is that green tomatoes might not be as easily available as ripe ones, depending on where you live and the season. In my area, I can find them at farmer’s markets or in speciality grocery stores.

Using green tomatoes in chutney is a fantastic way to experiment with flavours and textures. It offers a delightful twist on traditional tomato chutney and adds variety to your cooking. It’s proof that sometimes, going off the beaten path in the kitchen can lead to delicious discoveries.

Adjusting the Spiciness of Tomato Chutney

Tomato chutney is a beautiful amalgamation of flavours – it’s tangy, sweet, and a touch spicy. But one of the fantastic things about making your own chutney is that you have full control over the heat level, which I often adjust according to my preference and the preferences of those I’m serving.

When it comes to increasing the heat, I usually add more red chillies. This can either be done by increasing the number of fresh chillies or by adding dried chilli flakes or chilli powder.

It’s important to add these in small increments, taste the chutney, and adjust accordingly. Remember, you can always add more heat, but you can’t take it out once it’s there.

Decreasing the heat can be a bit trickier. If I find my chutney is too spicy, I often add more tomatoes, as their natural sweetness and acidity can help balance out the heat.

Alternatively, increasing the amount of brown sugar can also help, as the sweetness counteracts the spiciness. A splash of vinegar can also help, as acidity tends to reduce the perception of heat in my mouth.

Remember that the type of chilli you use can also affect the heat level. Different chilli varieties have different Scoville units, a measure of their heat level. For instance, jalapenos are milder than cayenne peppers. Knowing your chillies can help you better control the spiciness in your chutney.

Ultimately, the heat level of your tomato chutney should align with your personal taste. As you gain experience, you’ll better understand how to balance the flavours in your chutney.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and make the recipe your own – after all, the best part of cooking is creating something you truly enjoy.

Substituting Vinegar in Tomato Chutney

Vinegar is a crucial ingredient in my tomato chutney recipe, adding a necessary tanginess that balances the sweetness of the tomatoes and brown sugar. But what if you don’t have red wine vinegar on hand? In my cooking experience, substitutions can often lead to delightful results.

White wine vinegar is a great alternative. Like red wine vinegar, it has a sophisticated, somewhat mild flavour that complements the other ingredients in the chutney. When I use white wine vinegar, I use the same amount the recipe calls for with red wine vinegar.

Another option I’ve tried is apple cider vinegar. It has a fruity, slightly sweet flavour that pairs well with the tomatoes. However, it can be a bit stronger than wine vinegar, so you might want to use a little less initially and adjust to taste.

Regular white vinegar is also a viable alternative. It’s more acidic and has a sharper flavour than wine vinegar, so I usually start with a bit less and adjust to taste. It’s also worth noting that it lacks the subtle fruity notes present in wine vinegar, but it does the job when other options are not available.

On the other hand, balsamic vinegar, with its rich, sweet, and slightly syrupy character, can also be a fascinating substitute. However, because of its robust flavour, I recommend using it sparingly to prevent overpowering the other ingredients.

Remember, when substituting vinegar, the end flavour of your chutney will change slightly, but that’s the beauty of cooking – the chance to explore and discover new flavour profiles. It’s always exciting to see how a small change can put a new spin on a favourite recipe.

Brown Sugar Substitutes for Tomato Chutney

In my tomato chutney recipe, brown sugar plays an essential role by adding a touch of sweetness that balances out the acidity of the tomatoes and vinegar.

But what if you’ve run out of brown sugar or prefer to use an alternative sweetener? There are several substitutes that I have used successfully in the past.

White sugar is the most straightforward substitute. While it lacks the molasses flavour of brown sugar, it will still sweeten your chutney. If I use white sugar, I tend to add the same amount as the recipe calls for with brown sugar.

Another alternative that I have found to work well is honey. Honey imparts a unique flavour to the chutney, giving it a delightful depth. However, since honey is sweeter than brown sugar, I usually use a bit less.

For a vegan alternative, I often turn to maple syrup or agave nectar. They add a delicious hint of their distinctive flavours to the chutney, making it even more special. Just like with honey, I use less of these sweeteners as they are sweeter than brown sugar.

Then there’s coconut sugar, a great alternative if you prefer a less refined sweetener. It has a caramel-like flavour similar to brown sugar, and you can substitute it on a 1:1 basis.

Remember, each sweetener has its unique flavour profile and will slightly alter the taste of your chutney, but that’s the fun part of cooking. Trying different ingredients allows you to discover new flavours and create a recipe that’s uniquely yours.

So, go ahead and experiment with these brown sugar substitutes and find your favourite!

Choosing the Right Tomatoes for Tomato Chutney

Choosing the right tomatoes for your chutney can make a significant difference in the taste and texture of the final product. In my culinary journey, I’ve discovered a few things about selecting the best tomatoes for my tomato chutney.

Firstly, ripe tomatoes are essential for a delicious chutney. They are naturally sweet and juicy, contributing to a richer flavour and smoother texture. When choosing ripe tomatoes, I look for ones that are firm to the touch and vibrant in colour.

Now, you might be wondering which variety of tomatoes works best. In my experience, most tomato varieties work well in chutney, but some offer a slight edge.

Roma tomatoes, also known as plum tomatoes, are a great choice due to their low moisture content and sweet flavour. They result in a thick and rich chutney.

Beefsteak tomatoes are another good option, especially for a chunkier chutney. They have a more substantial flesh that holds up well during cooking, resulting in chutney with bits of tomato throughout.

Cherry tomatoes can also be used, especially if you want a sweeter chutney. However, since they are smaller, they require more prep work.

Remember, the quality of the tomatoes can greatly affect the outcome of the chutney. I always strive to use fresh, organically grown tomatoes when possible. They are free from harmful chemicals and tend to be sweeter and more flavourful than non-organic ones.

While choosing the right tomatoes for your chutney might seem a simple task, paying attention to the variety and ripeness can significantly enhance your chutney’s flavour and texture. With the right tomatoes, you’re well on your way to crafting a delightful tomato chutney.

Proper Storage for Tomato Chutney

Proper storage is crucial to maintaining the quality and extending the shelf life of homemade tomato chutney. As someone who loves making chutney in large batches, I’ve learned some essential storage guidelines.

Firstly, allow the chutney to cool completely before storing it. This helps to prevent condensation inside the storage container, which can lead to spoilage. I usually let my chutney cool to room temperature on the counter.

Once the chutney has cooled, I transfer it to an airtight container or jar. Glass containers are ideal because they do not retain odours and are easy to clean. However, food-grade plastic containers can work as well.

I always ensure that the container is clean and dry before adding the chutney. Any residual moisture can encourage bacterial growth and shorten the chutney’s shelf life. After filling the container, I seal it tightly to keep out air, which can oxidize the chutney and affect its flavour.

Once sealed, I store my chutney in the refrigerator. It can last up to 4-6 weeks when stored properly. However, it’s important to use a clean spoon each time you serve from the container to prevent introducing bacteria.

For longer-term storage, I often freeze my chutney. Freezing does not significantly affect the taste or texture, and it can extend the chutney’s life to several months. I usually portion the chutney into small, freezer-safe containers so I can thaw only what I need at a time.

Proper storage techniques are vital to preserving the quality of your homemade tomato chutney. By taking the time to store your chutney correctly, you’ll be able to enjoy it for weeks or even months to come.

Check Out These Other Recipes

As a fellow aficionado of zesty dips and chutneys, I believe you would delight in exploring the diverse flavour profiles I’ve encountered during my culinary journey.

Following my tantalizing Tomato Chutney, allow me to recommend some hand-picked recipes that are sure to pique your interest and satisfy your taste buds.

First, let’s immerse ourselves in the refreshing symphony of herbs and spices that constitutes the Green Chutney. This vibrant concoction is a vibrant blend of coriander, mint, and green chilli. Its brightness will provide a beautiful contrast to the robust flavour of my tomato-based dip.

Next, we cannot overlook the Yoghurt Chutney. This creamy accompaniment brings with it a tangy delight and the subtle cooling essence of yoghurt, a perfect companion to any spicy dish. It’s a soothing culinary boat ride that navigates through the sometimes turbulent sea of rich, fiery flavours.

While we’re on the topic of mouth-watering condiments, the tantalizing Mint Raita is a must-try. Its refreshing aroma, combined with the cooling touch of yoghurt, offers a delightful contrast to the tangy Tomato Chutney, making it a star in its own right.

Let’s not forget the playful Pizza Sauce, a heart-warming medley of tomatoes, herbs, and spices. While it is an integral part of any good pizza, this sauce is also an outstanding dip that can hold its own in the company of my Tomato Chutney.

Lastly, consider the exotic Pico De Gallo. This Mexican “rooster’s beak” salsa is a riot of fresh tomatoes, onions, and cilantro, boasting a crunchy texture that offers a whole new dimension to my chutney spread.

So go ahead, dive into these recipes, and let the medley of flavours guide you through a delicious journey. Remember, your culinary adventure is incomplete without feedback.

Share your experiences, thoughts, and any new flavour combinations you discover along the way. After all, the magic of cooking lies in the shared joy of exploration and creativity!

Tomato Chutney

Tomato Chutney

by Nabeela Kauser
Tomato chutney is a spicy and tangy condiment made from fresh ripe tomatoes, onion, garlic, and a variety of spices. It is a delectable dip that adds a lot of flavour and taste to Indian dishes.
5 from 4 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Sauces & Dips
Cuisine Indian, Pakistani
Servings 6
Calories 110 kcal


  • 500 g Ripe Tomatoes Chopped
  • 2 Red Onion Chopped
  • 3 cloves Garlic Minced
  • 1 Red Chilli Chopped
  • 1 tsp Cumin Seeds
  • 1 tsp Mustard Seeds
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil
  • Salt To taste
  • 50 ml Red Wine Vinegar
  • 50 g Brown Sugar


  • Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium heat.
  • Sauté the cumin and mustard seeds for a minute or until they become fragrant.
  • Add the chopped onions, chopped tomatoes, red chilli, minced garlic, and salt to the pan.
  • Cook on medium heat for about 15-20 minutes until the tomatoes become soft and pulpy.
  • Stir in the red wine vinegar and brown sugar, and cook for another 5-10 minutes until the chutney thickens.
  • Remove the pan from heat and let the chutney cool.
  • Blend the chutney to your desired consistency, if preferred.
  • Serve with your favourite dish or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4-6 weeks.


Nutritional facts:
The provision of nutritional information is done so merely as a courtesy and should not be taken as a guarantee.


Calories: 110kcalCarbohydrates: 16gProtein: 1gFat: 5gSaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 10mgPotassium: 281mgFibre: 2gSugar: 12gVitamin A: 704IUVitamin C: 15mgCalcium: 31mgIron: 1mg
Keyword Chutney, Dips, Food, Indian, Ramadan, Recipe, Spicy, Tomato
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Nabeela Kauser

That’s wonderful to hear! I’m so glad you enjoyed my tomato chutney recipe. It’s always special when a recipe can bring back fond memories. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

Cook with Nabeela

Hi, I'm Nabeela!

I love to cook! I want to share with you my favourite, delicious family-friendly recipes. I want to inspire you to create fantastic food for your family every day.

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