Garlic Noodles
Garlic Noodles
5 from 2 votes
Indulge in the aromatic allure of garlic noodles, a sumptuous dish that promises to tantalise your taste buds. Simple to make yet deeply flavourful, these noodles offer a culinary experience you won't easily forget.
Garlic Noodles

Garlic noodles hold a special place in the fusion food scene, marrying elements from Chinese and Western cooking techniques. Originating as a hybrid cuisine, this dish has come a long way and is a beloved item in many restaurants and households alike. 

When we talk about the difficulty level of this recipe, we can confidently say it falls on the easier side. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the ingredients; the end result is nothing short of spectacular. For any novice cooks out there, this could be your gateway into the world of culinary arts. 

Moving on to the heart of the dish: its ingredients. Garlic noodles are made using a simple but flavour-packed sauce, a generous heap of garlic, and, of course, noodles. The amalgamation of soy sauce, oyster sauce, and sesame oil creates a sauce that is deeply nuanced and satisfyingly rich. 

What’s fascinating is the versatility of garlic noodles. They can easily be spruced up with the addition of proteins like prawns, chicken, or even tofu for a vegetarian spin. This means you can tweak the recipe to cater to an array of taste preferences. 

If you’ve never tried garlic noodles, you may wonder what the fuss is all about. We assure you, one bite will make you a believer. The flavour profile is quite balanced, despite the dominance of garlic.  

The use of soy and oyster sauces creates a savoury backbone, while the sesame oil adds a nutty depth. To cut through the richness, we often garnish with fresh coriander leaves for that final aromatic touch. 

As we delve further into the recipe, you’ll find that each ingredient serves a unique purpose. The sugar and black pepper, for example, are not just fillers. They contribute to the overall complexity of the dish, elevating it from good to great. 

What Ingredients to Use & Why 

Let’s delve into the intricate details of the ingredients that make our garlic noodles so exceptional. Each element plays a crucial role in establishing the overall flavour, texture, and aroma of this delectable dish.  

Understanding the significance of each ingredient will enable you to grasp why this simple recipe achieves such profound tastes. 

Egg Noodles: Egg noodles are the foundation of this dish, offering a satisfying chewiness that pairs well with the sauce. The egg content provides a rich texture, making each bite memorable.  

For those with dietary restrictions, rice noodles can serve as a decent alternative, although they’ll offer a different texture and flavour. 

Garlic: As the name of the dish suggests, garlic is central to its character. It imbues the noodles with an aromatic, spicy kick that’s hard to replicate. If you’re not a fan of garlic, shallots could be used, although the flavour will differ markedly. 

Vegetable Oil: Used primarily for sautéing the garlic, the oil acts as a carrier for flavours. Olive oil can also be used but might introduce a distinct flavour that alters the dish’s original taste profile. 

Soy Sauce: This adds a rich, umami taste that sets the undertone for the dish. For a gluten-free option, Tamari sauce can serve as a replacement, albeit with a somewhat lighter flavour. 

Oyster Sauce: Offering a more complex flavour profile, oyster sauce brings a balance between sweet and salty. Vegetarians can opt for a mushroom-based alternative, although this might slightly alter the final taste. 

Sesame Oil: This oil provides a toasty, nutty undertone that complements the dish’s overall flavour. If you’re allergic to sesame, perilla oil can be a suitable substitute, but note that it has a somewhat different flavour profile. 

Sugar: A touch of sweetness is introduced to counteract the saltiness of the soy and oyster sauces. Maple syrup or honey could be used, but remember, these have their own distinct flavours. 

Black Pepper: This adds a final kick to the dish, a subtle heat that’s not overpowering but noticeably present. White pepper can also be used if you’re looking for a less pronounced peppery taste. 

Coriander Leaves: These are optional but add a burst of freshness that lightens the dish’s richness. If coriander isn’t your thing, try basil or even parsley for a different kind of zing. 

Now that we’ve gone through each ingredient’s function and possible alternatives, it’s easier to see how they come together to create the captivating dish that is garlic noodles.  

Each component, whether playing a starring or supporting role, contributes to a culinary masterpiece that’s greater than the sum of its parts. 

How to Pair Garlic Noodles with Other Dishes 

When we set a table featuring garlic noodles, we’re crafting more than a meal; we’re curating an entire dining experience. While garlic noodles are phenomenal on their own, pairing them with the right side dishes or mains can elevate your meal to a whole new level. 

A simple rule of thumb for pairing garlic noodles is to think about balance. Given that the noodles carry a robust, garlicky flavour profile, they pair well with dishes that are either mildly seasoned or carry a different type of intensity.  

Take grilled chicken or pan-seared fish, for example. The relatively mild flavours of these proteins allow the garlic noodles to shine while providing a different texture and a protein boost to the meal. 

We also find that garlic noodles make an excellent side dish to more complex Southeast Asian or East Asian mains. Imagine having them next to a serving of spicy Thai green curry or Szechuan beef.  

The complex flavours of these dishes create a beautiful symphony with the straightforward, aromatic richness of the garlic noodles. 

For vegetarians, think of pairing these noodles with stir-fried vegetables, or perhaps a tofu dish. Tofu, especially when cooked to have a crispy exterior, offers a pleasing contrast in both flavour and texture to the noodles. 

Lastly, consider a palate cleanser. Something as simple as a cucumber or green apple salad can go a long way. The fresh, crunchy, and acidic nature of a simple salad can provide a refreshing counterpoint to the rich, intense flavours of the garlic noodles. 

How to Store and Reheat Garlic Noodles 

Let’s talk about the practical side of enjoying garlic noodles: storing and reheating them. Whether you’ve made a large batch or find yourself with leftovers, knowing the best way to store garlic noodles can be a lifesaver. 

We recommend using an airtight container for storing these noodles. Pop the container into the fridge, and you’ve got a meal that will remain tasty for up to 3 days. We advise against freezing them as that can change the texture of the noodles, making them less appealing when thawed. 

Reheating garlic noodles can be a straightforward process, but it needs to be done correctly.  

Microwaving is the quickest way, but if you have the time, reheating them on a stovetop is optimal. A quick stir-fry can revive the flavours and bring back the dish’s original glory.  

If you find the noodles have dried out a bit in the fridge, consider adding a small amount of water or vegetable stock during the reheating process. 

Another method we’ve found to be effective is using a steamer. Steaming retains the moisture in the noodles, making sure they’re not dry or unpalatable. However, do keep an eye on them; you don’t want to end up with overly soggy noodles. 

Whether you’re enjoying garlic noodles fresh off the stove or revisiting them as a leftover, knowing how to properly store and reheat them ensures that you’ll get the most out of this delicious dish. 

Elevating Your Garlic Noodles with Gourmet Ingredients 

We all love the simplicity of garlic noodles, but sometimes, a special occasion or a weekend culinary adventure calls for something a bit more lavish. One of the beauties of this dish is its versatility. You can easily elevate it from comfort food to gourmet fare with the right kind of tweaks. 

Truffle oil is one ingredient that instantly adds a touch of opulence to your garlic noodles. Just a drizzle, and your kitchen will fill with its intoxicating aroma. The deep, earthy flavour pairs incredibly well with the garlic, creating a harmonious blend that’s nothing short of exquisite. 

Another gourmet ingredient we’d suggest is fresh herbs. While the recipe calls for optional fresh coriander leaves, using a mix of fine herbs like chives, tarragon, and parsley can introduce a new layer of complexity.  

The nuanced flavours of these herbs dance well with the bold garlic and umami-packed sauces. 

If you’re a fan of seafood, consider topping your garlic noodles with some seared scallops or grilled shrimp. Not only does this add a protein component to your dish, but the natural sweetness of seafood complements the salty, garlicky base beautifully. 

Don’t overlook cheese as a possible addition. A good Parmesan, finely grated over the top of the noodles just before serving, can add a surprising yet delightful tanginess. The cheese plays well with the strong flavours already at play, and it adds a pleasant texture contrast. 

If you’re looking to elevate your regular garlic noodles to something fit for a special occasion, you now have plenty of delicious options. Just remember, the key is balance; you want your gourmet ingredients to enhance, not overshadow, the humble brilliance of your garlic noodles. 

Tips for Making Gluten-Free Garlic Noodles 

In a world where dietary restrictions are increasingly common, adapting recipes to fit various needs has become almost second nature for many of us. If you or someone you’re cooking for needs a gluten-free option, fear not; garlic noodles can easily be adapted. 

Instead of traditional egg noodles, opt for rice noodles. Rice noodles have a similar texture and absorb flavours quite well. Plus, they’re naturally gluten-free, making them an excellent alternative. 

When it comes to sauces, scrutinise the labels carefully. While soy sauce is a staple in the original recipe, it contains wheat. A good substitute is Tamari, a Japanese soy sauce made without wheat. Tamari has a richer, less salty taste, which works well with the strong garlic flavour. 

Similarly, ensure your oyster sauce is gluten-free. Many brands offer gluten-free alternatives that maintain the same flavour profile you’d expect from traditional oyster sauce. 

Sesame oil and vegetable oil are naturally gluten-free, so no changes are needed there. However, always check labels to ensure no cross-contamination has occurred during manufacturing. 

By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be able to create a delicious plate of gluten-free garlic noodles that don’t compromise on flavour. Whether for yourself or a loved one with dietary restrictions, this adapted version is sure to hit the spot. 

Transforming Garlic Noodles into a Vegan Delight 

If you’re leaning towards plant-based eating, the good news is you don’t have to say goodbye to beloved dishes like garlic noodles. With a few easy swaps, you can still enjoy this classic comfort food while adhering to a vegan lifestyle. 

Start by looking at the noodles. Most traditional egg noodles contain, well, egg. You can easily switch these out for vegan noodles, such as those made from rice or whole wheat. These alternatives are widely available and do a fantastic job of soaking up all the delightful flavours in the dish. 

Now, let’s talk about sauces. Oyster sauce is a key ingredient in the original recipe, offering a unique umami taste. For a vegan version, you can use mushroom-based sauces that mimic the deep, salty notes of oyster sauce. 

Similarly, your choice of oil can elevate the dish. Olive oil and avocado oil both bring a rich, nuanced flavour to the garlic noodles and they are 100% plant-based. These oils handle heat well, which is crucial for the sautéing process. 

Finally, for that finishing touch, consider adding a sprinkle of nutritional yeast instead of optional coriander leaves. Nutritional yeast provides a cheesy, nutty flavour that complements the garlic and adds an extra layer of complexity to the dish. 

By making these simple swaps, you’ll have a delicious, vegan-friendly bowl of garlic noodles that doesn’t skimp on flavour or satisfaction. Your taste buds—and the planet—will thank you. 

The Art of Customising Garlic Noodles for Kids 

If you’re cooking for a family, you know how difficult it can be to please the younger crowd. However, garlic noodles offer a versatile base that can be tailored to even the pickiest of eaters. Here’s how you can adapt the dish for kids while still preserving its essential appeal for adults. 

Firstly, let’s address the garlic. While the adults might adore the pungent kick, some children find it overwhelming. In such cases, you can reduce the amount of garlic or use garlic powder instead, which has a milder flavour. 

When it comes to sauces, some children might find the oyster and soy sauces a bit too strong. A simple solution is to dilute the sauces with a bit of vegetable broth. This will mellow out the flavours while still keeping them interesting. 

Texture is another consideration. Kids often prefer simpler textures, so you might opt for thinner noodles like angel hair or vermicelli. These varieties are also quicker to cook, saving you precious time. 

Want to sneak in some nutrients? Finely chopped vegetables like carrots, bell peppers, or even spinach can be tossed in with the noodles. If your child is averse to visible veggies, you can always blend them into the sauce. 

Ultimately, garlic noodles provide a wonderful canvas for culinary creativity, allowing you to adapt the dish to suit every member of your family. And who knows, you might discover a new family favourite in the process. 

The Spices that Elevate Garlic Noodles 

Spices are like the supporting actors in a play. They may not have the lead role, but their presence, or absence, can make or break the performance. When it comes to garlic noodles, spices can truly enhance the entire experience. 

Black pepper is a simple yet effective spice used in the traditional recipe. The heat it adds is subtle but works brilliantly to accentuate the garlic and sauces. The best part? It’s easily adjustable to your heat preference. 

For those who adore a bit of warmth, consider a dash of red pepper flakes. A small amount can drastically uplift the entire dish, adding an extra layer of complexity to the flavours. The sharp bite of the pepper flakes combines beautifully with the pungent garlic, making each bite a delightful surprise. 

A sprinkle of five-spice powder can also be a game-changer. Its blend of star anise, cloves, fennel seeds, cinnamon, and Szechuan peppercorns brings a sweet, aromatic profile that marries exceptionally well with the existing sauces.  

Just a pinch can transport your garlic noodles to a whole new realm of culinary delight. 

Finally, if you want to introduce a slightly exotic twist, a bit of ground cumin offers a smoky, earthy character that pairs seamlessly with the umami elements of the dish. A modest amount will do, as cumin’s powerful flavour can easily dominate the dish if overused. 

By adding one or more of these spices, your garlic noodles transform from a simple, comforting dish to a deeply satisfying culinary masterpiece that leaves a lasting impression. 

Understanding the Role of Garlic in Garlic Noodles 

Garlic is undeniably the cornerstone of garlic noodles. As the name suggests, it’s an integral part of the dish. But why does garlic play such a pivotal role, and how can we make the most out of it? 

First off, garlic brings an intense, almost aggressive flavour that is balanced out by the milder components like the egg noodles and the sweet, salty sauces. The natural oils of the garlic infuse into the cooking oil, giving the noodles a rich, all-encompassing garlic flavour. 

Then there’s the health aspect. Garlic is a powerhouse of nutrients and has been praised for its medicinal qualities, including its ability to boost the immune system. This means that while you’re indulging in a bowl of delicious noodles, you’re also giving your body a little health kick. 

The type of garlic used also matters. Fresh garlic offers a robust, pungent flavour that can’t be replicated. However, if you’re in a pinch, garlic powder or even jarred minced garlic can suffice, although the depth of flavour won’t be the same. 

Roasting the garlic before using it in the recipe is another approach. This tames the garlic’s natural bite and introduces a smoky, caramelised flavour into the mix. It adds a level of sophistication and nuance that makes the dish truly exceptional. 

Garlic’s versatile, robust flavour profile and numerous health benefits make it the irreplaceable component in garlic noodles. Its nuances offer endless possibilities for experimentation, ensuring that this simple dish never becomes mundane. 

Mastering the Art of Cooking Noodles for Garlic Noodles 

Cooking noodles might seem straightforward, but there’s a fine art to getting it just right, especially when preparing garlic noodles. Start with a large pot of boiling water, seasoned generously with salt. This initial seasoning gives the noodles their basic flavour profile, making each bite satisfying. 

The choice of noodles is equally important. Egg noodles are a classic choice for their chewy texture and ability to soak up the garlic-infused sauce. However, udon or even spaghetti can work in a pinch. The objective is to select a noodle that will complement the garlic, not overpower it. 

Timing is crucial when boiling noodles. Undercooking leads to a hard, unappetizing centre, while overcooking results in a mushy mess. Cooking them until al dente—firm to the bite—is ideal. This ensures they still have some bite, making for a more texturally interesting dish. 

Once they’re cooked, it’s important to drain them thoroughly. A colander works well for this, allowing all excess water to drip away. The last thing we want is water diluting our beautiful sauce. 

Finally, a quick toss in the pan with the other ingredients seals the deal. The hot noodles absorb the garlic and sauce, completing their transformation into the comforting, flavour-packed dish that we all love. Yes, it’s a bit of a process, but the results are well worth the effort. 

The Secret to Perfectly Balanced Sauces for Garlic Noodles 

Creating the perfect sauce for garlic noodles requires a keen understanding of balance. It’s not just about blending ingredients; it’s about marrying flavours in a way that each complements the other. 

Soy sauce serves as the base, offering an initial hit of umami and saltiness. Choose a high-quality soy sauce, as this will significantly impact the dish’s final flavour. Light soy sauce can offer a less intense saltiness if desired. 

Oyster sauce contributes both sweetness and depth. It has a unique, complex flavour that adds layers to the sauce. Vegans or those allergic to shellfish can substitute it with mushroom soy sauce or even hoisin sauce to maintain a similar texture and sweetness. 

Sesame oil is the touch of genius in this sauce, providing a nutty aroma that is nothing short of captivating. It envelops the noodles and garlic, giving the dish a warm, inviting undertone. 

Black pepper and sugar are like the final brush strokes on a masterpiece, fine-tuning the sauce. The sugar mellows out the saltiness, while the black pepper adds a small but significant kick. A bit of balance, a touch of finesse, and voila—the sauce is complete. 

The beauty of this sauce is its flexibility. You can adjust the ratios to suit your personal preference, making it slightly sweeter, saltier, or spicier as desired. It’s all about achieving that perfect balance to elevate your garlic noodles to the next level. 

Check Out These Other Recipes 

If you found yourself licking your fingers after trying my garlic noodles, then oh boy, do I have a few more kitchen adventures for you to embark upon! Imagine taking your taste buds on a garlic-infused culinary rollercoaster. Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. 

First, let me introduce you to garlic butter noodles. Think of them as the sultry cousin of garlic noodles. The butter adds a layer of richness that just hugs each noodle, making each bite a cosy experience you won’t want to end. 

Now, let’s add some protein into the mix with garlic chicken wings. These wings are a flavour bomb waiting to explode in your mouth. They’re crispy, they’re juicy, and they’re dripping with garlic goodness. Perfect for when you’re craving something garlicky but want to sink your teeth into some meat. 

And speaking of garlic and meat, have you ever tried garlic butter chicken bites? Oh, trust me, these little bites are like morsels of heaven that are quick to make and even quicker to disappear from your plate. 

Not a fan of chicken? No problem. How about garlic roasted potatoes? These spuds are crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside, and marinated in—you guessed it—garlic! They’re like French fries’ sophisticated older brother and make for an excellent side dish or a snack. 

Last but definitely not least, get ready to up your bread game with garlic bread. It’s the side dish that turns any meal into a feast. This garlic bread with cheese is crunchy, buttery, and, most importantly, garlicky. Best of all, it takes almost no time to prepare, yet adds an extra layer of yum to any meal. 

Can you tell I’m head over heels for garlic? Dive into these recipes, and I promise you’ll join the garlic aficionado club in no time. And hey, if you do, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section. 

Garlic Noodles

Garlic Noodles

by Nabeela Kauser
Indulge in the aromatic allure of garlic noodles, a sumptuous dish that promises to tantalise your taste buds. Simple to make yet deeply flavourful, these noodles offer a culinary experience you won’t easily forget.
5 from 2 votes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Dinner, Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4
Calories 325 kcal


  • 250 g Egg Noodles
  • 4 cloves Garlic Minced
  • 2 tbsp Oil
  • 2 tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 1 tbsp Oyster Sauce
  • 1 tsp Sesame Oil
  • 1/2 tsp Sugar
  • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
  • Coriander For garnish (optional)


  • Cook the egg noodles according to the package instructions until they are al dente. Drain and set aside.
  • In a pan, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and sauté for about 1-2 minutes until fragrant, but be careful not to brown it.
  • Add the cooked noodles to the pan and toss them with the garlic-infused oil.
  • In a small bowl, mix together the soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, sugar, and black pepper.
  • Pour the sauce mixture over the noodles and stir-fry for another 2-3 minutes, ensuring the noodles are well coated with the sauce.
  • Serve the garlic noodles hot, garnished with fresh coriander leaves if desired.
  • Enjoy your delicious Garlic Noodles!


You can adjust the level of garlic to your taste.
Feel free to add your favourite vegetables or proteins like tofu, shrimp, or chicken for a more substantial meal.
Nutritional facts:
The provision of nutritional information is done so merely as a courtesy and should not be taken as a guarantee.


Calories: 325kcalCarbohydrates: 47gProtein: 10gFat: 11gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0.1gCholesterol: 53mgSodium: 639mgPotassium: 188mgFibre: 2gSugar: 2gVitamin A: 40IUVitamin C: 1mgVitamin D: 0.2µgCalcium: 31mgIron: 1mg
Keyword Cooking, Food, Garlic, Noodles, Recipe
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Cook with Nabeela

Hi, I'm Nabeela!

I love to cook! I want to share with you my favourite, delicious family-friendly recipes. I want to inspire you to create fantastic food for your family every day.

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