Nandos Peri-Peri Chicken
Nandos Peri-Peri Chicken
5 from 9 votes
Discover the exotic, spicy, and delicious experience of making your own Nando’s peri peri chicken at home. Be ready to embark on a culinary journey that's filled with flavour, and guaranteed to please everyone at the dinner table.
Nandos Peri Chicken

Let’s talk about something truly exciting today – making Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken at home. This much-loved recipe carries an incredible history and a robust profile of flavours that have captured taste buds all across the globe. 

Originating from the coastal region of Mozambique, Peri Peri Chicken got its name from the fiery Piri Piri pepper, a key ingredient. Portuguese settlers in Mozambique adopted this culinary gem and, over time, it became a global sensation, courtesy of the renowned Nando’s restaurant chain. 

What makes Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken special isn’t just its origin story, but also the striking blend of flavours that come together in perfect harmony. Spicy, tangy, and with a subtle sweetness, this dish takes your palate on an exhilarating roller-coaster ride. 

From a difficulty standpoint, I would rate this recipe as a medium. While it’s not as easy as scrambling eggs, it’s certainly not as hard as trying to bake the perfect soufflé. The most challenging part might be spatchcocking the chicken, but don’t worry, with a little practice, you’ll master it in no time! 

If you’re a first-timer, don’t fret. This isn’t about being a culinary whizz from the get-go. This is about the journey of creation, from marinating the chicken to that moment when you take your first bite of your homemade Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken. The joy is in the journey, as they say! 

One aspect that I absolutely love about making Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken at home is the room for personalization. Want it spicier? Add a few more chillies. Want it less tangy? Go easy on the lemon juice. You can create your own signature take on this classic dish. 

To wrap it all up, making Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken at home is more than just about cooking a meal. It’s an adventure – a delightful exploration of flavours and techniques. It’s a testament to the magic of fusion cuisine and how food brings us together in a celebration of taste.

So let’s put on our apron, roll up our sleeves, and begin this delicious journey! 

What Ingredients to Use & Why 

The magic of Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken lies not just in the cooking technique but in the quality and combination of ingredients used. These are the little soldiers that bring this dish to life. 

Chicken Whole: The star of this recipe is the chicken. We use a whole chicken which is spatchcocked. It provides the best texture and flavour when roasted. If a whole chicken isn’t available, you can use chicken thighs or breasts, but remember, bone-in and skin-on is the way to go for maximum flavour! 

Oil: Oil is used for roasting the chicken, it ensures a nice crisp skin on the outside. Olive oil is a great choice for its high smoking point, but if you don’t have it, canola or vegetable oil would work too. 

Red Onion & Garlic Cloves: These are key players in the Peri Peri marinade. They bring a depth of flavour and aromatic sweetness that balances the heat. If you’re not a fan of red onions, you can use shallots or white onions instead. 

Birds Eye Chillies: True to its roots, we use Birds Eye Chillies for that classic Peri Peri heat. If you can’t find them, Cayenne peppers or Serrano peppers can be used. Be cautious with the quantity as the heat level varies. 

Tomato Puree: This adds a tangy-sweet flavour and a rich colour to our marinade. You can replace it with tomato paste if needed, but you might need to adjust the quantity to get the right balance. 

Paprika: Paprika brings a sweet-smoky flavour and a beautiful red colour. If you don’t have it, you can use smoked paprika or a bit of cayenne pepper and red pepper flakes. 

Salt & Brown Sugar: Essential for bringing out the flavours, these seasonings balance each other out. You can use white sugar if brown isn’t available. 

White Vinegar & Lemon Juice: These two provide the much-needed tang to the Peri Peri marinade, enhancing the overall flavour. In a pinch, apple cider vinegar or lime juice can be used as substitutes. 

Thyme: A handful of fresh thyme adds an earthy and slightly minty flavour. If fresh isn’t available, you can use dried thyme. 

While each ingredient plays its role in the creation of Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken, remember, cooking is a dance of flavours. Feel free to adjust as per your taste. 

The Fascinating History of Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken 

One of my greatest joys is exploring the narratives of dishes. The story behind Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken is as rich and captivating as the dish itself. 

This culinary wonder has its roots in the coastal region of Mozambique. The term ‘Peri Peri’ comes from the Swahili word ‘Pili Pili’, which translates to ‘spicy spicy’. The name was later changed by Portuguese settlers to ‘Peri Peri’.

The key ingredient of this dish, the Piri Piri pepper, is native to Mozambique. When the Portuguese arrived in Mozambique, they were captivated by the fiery pepper, and soon, it found its way into their kitchens and hearts. 

In the 15th century, the Portuguese began their maritime exploration, aiming to discover new lands and expand their territories. Along with them, they brought the culinary practices they had adopted, including the use of the fiery Piri Piri pepper.  

Over time, the Portuguese combined the Piri Piri pepper with their own flavours of garlic, vinegar, oil, and bay leaves, giving birth to the iconic Peri Peri sauce. 

The dish further evolved into its popular form with the birth of Nando’s restaurant chain. Founded in 1987 in Johannesburg, South Africa, by Fernando Duarte and Robert Brozin, Nando’s brought the Peri Peri Chicken into the global limelight.  

The dish quickly became their signature offering. The idea was to serve chicken, marinated for 24 hours in the Peri Peri sauce and then flame-grilled to perfection. The result was a perfectly roasted chicken that was a symphony of flavours – spicy, tangy, and slightly sweet. 

Over time, Nando’s expanded across the globe, taking Peri Peri Chicken with them. Today, Nando’s is synonymous with Peri Peri Chicken, and their recipe is loved by millions of food enthusiasts worldwide. The journey of this dish, from the shores of Mozambique to being a global favourite, is truly a testament to the power of food in connecting cultures and palates. 

Mastering the Art of Spatchcocking for Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken 

When it comes to preparing Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken at home, one technique that often intimidates home cooks is ‘spatchcocking’. The name might sound fancy, but I assure you, it’s more straightforward than it appears. 

Spatchcocking, also known as butterflying, is a method where the backbone of the chicken is removed, and the bird is opened flat. This technique results in even cooking, as it increases the surface area of the chicken exposed to heat.  

Plus, it drastically reduces the cooking time, ensuring you get your Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken on the dinner table quicker! 

So, how do you spatchcock a chicken? First, you’ll need a sharp pair of kitchen shears or a knife. Place the chicken breast side down. The backbone runs right in the middle of the bird.  

Starting at the tail end, cut along the side of the backbone towards the neck. Do the same on the other side and remove the backbone completely. You can save it for making stocks or soups later. 

Once the backbone is removed, flip the chicken breast side up. Apply firm pressure on the breastbone to flatten the bird. You’ll hear a crack – don’t worry, that’s supposed to happen! 

One pro tip for spatchcocking is to ensure your work surface is stable and non-slip. You’re dealing with a sharp tool and a chicken that could slide around, so safety is paramount. 

Another tip is to use a good pair of kitchen shears. They offer better control and ease compared to a knife, especially for those new to spatchcocking. 

Remember, like any technique, spatchcocking requires practice. Don’t fret if you don’t get it right the first time. With a bit of patience and practice, you’ll soon master this culinary technique, bringing you one step closer to creating the perfect homemade Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken. 

Discovering the Magic of Peri Peri Marinade 

If you’ve ever found yourself munching on a piece of Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken, you know the magic lies in the marinade. It’s a melody of flavours, hitting the right notes of spicy, tangy, sweet, and a dash of smokiness. 

The secret behind the distinct flavour of this marinade is the Peri Peri (or Piri Piri) pepper, native to Mozambique. The term ‘Peri Peri’ is Swahili for ‘pepper pepper’.  

The pepper brings a moderate to a high level of heat, rated 50,000-175,000 on the Scoville scale (a measurement of the spiciness or ‘heat’ of chilli peppers). But heat is just one aspect of it. The Peri Peri pepper also offers a slightly fruity flavour, which lends a unique taste to the dish. 

But the marinade isn’t just about heat. The other ingredients work together to create a harmonious blend. The combination of red onion and garlic introduces a sweet and aromatic depth, balancing the heat from the pepper. 

The tomato puree and paprika contribute to the smoky sweetness, which adds another layer of complexity to the marinade. The white vinegar and lemon juice provide a burst of tanginess, keeping the richness of the other ingredients in check and brightening up the overall flavour profile. 

The finishing touch to this magical concoction is the seasoning – a mix of salt, brown sugar, and a handful of thyme.

The thyme brings an earthy, slightly minty taste that perfectly complements the other ingredients. Meanwhile, the salt enhances all the flavours and the brown sugar balances out the acidity and heat. 

Preparing the marinade is a simple process. All the ingredients are combined in a blender until they form a smooth paste. The chicken is then marinated in this mixture for at least an hour, though leaving it overnight results in the flavours penetrating deeper into the chicken. 

The Peri Peri marinade is truly the heart of Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken recipe. It’s this sauce that adds spicy, tangy, and smoky notes to the dish, making it an irresistible treat for the palate. 

Unlocking the Spiciness Level in Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken 

How spicy should your Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken be? The answer to this question lies in your personal preference. While some like it blazing hot, others prefer a milder heat. The good news is that you can adjust the spiciness level when making this dish at home. 

The main ingredient that controls the heat in this dish is the Birds Eye Chillies. These fiery gems, also known as Piri Piri or Peri Peri, bring a potent heat to the dish. However, the heat can be tweaked. 

If you’re a spice lover and desire a hotter dish, you could add more Birds Eye Chillies to your marinade. But remember, these chillies pack quite a punch, so increase the quantity gradually. You don’t want to end up with a dish so hot that you can’t taste anything else! 

For those who prefer milder heat, the number of chillies can be reduced. Removing the seeds and the white membrane, where most of the capsaicin (the compound that gives chillies their heat) resides, can also significantly reduce the heat. 

Another approach to managing the heat is to balance it with the other flavours. Adding more lemon juice, vinegar, or brown sugar can neutralize some of the chilli’s heat. 

Remember, the goal is to enjoy the dish, not to test your heat tolerance. So feel free to play around with the chillies and other ingredients until you find the level of heat that suits your palate. After all, cooking is all about creating a dish that you and your loved ones enjoy. 

Exploring the Versatility of Chicken Cuts in Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken 

While Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken is traditionally made with whole chicken, one of the beautiful aspects of this recipe is its adaptability to different cuts of chicken. I’ve experimented with various cuts and let me tell you, each brings a unique flavour and texture to the dish. 

Chicken breasts are a popular choice among health-conscious individuals due to their low-fat content. When using breasts for this recipe, marinating becomes crucial.  

Given the lean nature of breasts, they tend to dry out faster. However, a good soak in the flavourful Peri Peri marinade helps in keeping the chicken moist and succulent. 

Thighs and drumsticks, on the other hand, are darker cuts of chicken. They have more fat compared to the breast, which makes them more flavourful and juicy. The extra fat also means they’re less likely to dry out, making them perfect for the roasting process. You’ll get a crisp exterior while maintaining a moist and tender interior. 

Chicken wings in Peri Peri marinade are another delight. The surface-to-marinade ratio is high in wings, so they pack a punch of flavour in every bite. Plus, the smaller size means they cook faster, so they’re an excellent choice for a quick Peri Peri fix. 

When using individual cuts instead of whole chicken, it’s crucial to adjust the cooking time accordingly. Smaller pieces will cook faster than a whole chicken, so keep an eye on them to prevent overcooking. 

Regardless of the cut you choose, the secret to a delicious Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken lies in the marinade and the cooking process. So don’t hesitate to experiment with different cuts until you find your personal favourite. 

Preparation in Advance: Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken 

When it comes to complex, flavour-rich dishes like Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken, doing some prep work in advance can make the cooking process smoother and more enjoyable. One element that benefits significantly from being prepared ahead is the Peri Peri marinade. 

Making the Peri Peri marinade a day in advance has multiple benefits. Firstly, it allows the flavours to meld together, creating a deeper and richer taste. Secondly, it saves time on the day you plan to cook the chicken.  

You can focus on the spatchcocking and roasting process without worrying about preparing the marinade. 

Another advantage of preparing the marinade in advance is that you can marinate the chicken for a longer period. While an hour’s marination can impart some flavours, marinating overnight ensures that the flavours seep deep into the chicken, resulting in a more flavourful dish. 

If you’re planning to marinate the chicken overnight, there are a few things to keep in mind. Always marinate in the refrigerator, never at room temperature, to avoid the risk of bacterial growth.  

Also, ensure that the chicken is fully submerged in the marinade and stored in a non-reactive container to prevent any chemical reaction with the acidic ingredients in the marinade. 

In my experience, taking the time to prepare the marinade and marinate the chicken in advance truly elevates the taste of Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken. It’s one of those small efforts that bring a substantial flavour pay-off. So next time you’re planning to make this dish, try this tip and taste the difference for yourself. 

The Secret of Browning: Getting a Perfectly Roasted Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken 

Roasting the chicken to perfection is the final but crucial step in the making of Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken. It’s this process that gives the chicken a beautiful golden-brown exterior and a juicy, tender interior. 

The browning or Maillard reaction, as it’s known in culinary terms, is a result of roasting at the right temperature. For this recipe, the chicken is roasted in a preheated oven at 180°C (350°F) gas mark 4. This temperature is a sweet spot where the chicken gets cooked through without drying out, and the surface gets nicely browned. 

Basting the chicken with its juices during roasting also contributes to browning. It not only promotes an even, attractive colour but also adds a layer of flavour to the chicken. 

The size of the chicken can affect the roasting time. A larger chicken will take longer to roast, while a smaller one will take less time.  

Therefore, it’s always a good idea to use a meat thermometer to ensure the chicken is properly cooked. The internal temperature should reach 165°F (74°C) when inserted into the thickest part of the chicken. 

Once out of the oven, let the chicken rest for at least 10 minutes before carving. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the chicken, ensuring moist and flavourful meat. 

Remember, roasting is more than just a cooking method; it’s a tool to maximize flavour. So, take your time with this step, and soon, you’ll be serving up a beautifully roasted, delicious Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken at home. 

Perfect Pairings: What to Serve with Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken 

Eating Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken is a delightful experience, but pairing it with the right side dishes can elevate that experience to a whole new level. I’ve had fun experimenting with different accompaniments, and here are some of my favourites. 

A classic pairing is Nando’s Spicy Rice. The mild spice and hint of lemon in the rice make it a perfect match for the robust flavours of the Peri Peri Chicken. Each bite of the chicken followed by a spoonful of this aromatic rice is pure bliss. 

Nando’s Peri Chips are another popular choice. Who can resist the combination of crispy fries with a sprinkle of spicy Peri salt? They add textural contrast to the tender, juicy chicken and help to balance the heat. 

For a lighter option, consider a fresh salad. A simple green salad with a tangy dressing can offer a refreshing counterpoint to the spicy chicken. Or a traditional Portuguese salad with tomatoes, green peppers, onions, and cucumbers is a great accompaniment. 

Corn on the cob, coleslaw, and potato wedges are other options that pair beautifully with the Peri Peri Chicken. Each brings a different taste and texture that complements the chicken in its unique way. 

The beauty of Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken is that it’s a versatile dish that pairs well with a variety of sides. So don’t be afraid to get creative and find your favourite pairing. 

Alternatives to Birds Eye Chillies in Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken 

The heat in Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken comes from Birds Eye Chillies, but what if you can’t find them or find their heat too intense? Don’t worry; there are alternatives that I’ve tried and tested. 

Jalapenos are a great substitute. While milder than Birds Eye Chillies, they have a bright, fresh flavour that works well in the Peri Peri marinade. If you prefer a little more heat, leaving the seeds in can give that extra kick. 

Serrano chillies are another option. They’re similar in heat to jalapenos but have a more fruity flavour. This can add a new dimension to the Peri Peri marinade. 

For those who love the heat, habanero or Scotch Bonnet peppers can be used. These are significantly hotter than Birds Eye Chillies, so use them sparingly unless you want a serious heat punch. 

If you can’t handle the heat at all, sweet bell peppers can be used. While they won’t add any heat, they’ll contribute to the overall flavour of the marinade. You can also add a dash of mild chilli powder to get a hint of that chilli flavour without the heat. 

Remember, the key is to adjust the amount and type of chillies to suit your taste. After all, cooking is all about creating a dish that you and your loved ones enjoy. 

Perfect Pairings: What to Serve with Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken 

Eating Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken is a delightful experience, but pairing it with the right side dishes can elevate that experience to a whole new level. I’ve had fun experimenting with different accompaniments, and here are some of my favourites. 

A classic pairing is Nando’s Spicy Rice. The mild spice and hint of lemon in the rice make it a perfect match for the robust flavours of the Peri Peri Chicken. Each bite of the chicken followed by a spoonful of this aromatic rice is pure bliss. 

Nando’s Peri Chips are another popular choice. Who can resist the combination of crispy fries with a sprinkle of spicy Peri salt? They add textural contrast to the tender, juicy chicken and help to balance the heat. 

For a lighter option, consider a fresh salad. A simple green salad with a tangy dressing can offer a refreshing counterpoint to the spicy chicken. Or a traditional Portuguese salad with tomatoes, green peppers, onions, and cucumbers is a great accompaniment. 

Corn on the cob, coleslaw, and potato wedges are other options that pair beautifully with the Peri Peri Chicken. Each brings a different taste and texture that complements the chicken in its unique way. 

The beauty of Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken is that it’s a versatile dish that pairs well with a variety of sides. So don’t be afraid to get creative and find your favourite pairing. 

Alternatives to Birds Eye Chillies in Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken 

The heat in Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken comes from Birds Eye Chillies, but what if you can’t find them or find their heat too intense? Don’t worry; there are alternatives that I’ve tried and tested. 

Jalapenos are a great substitute. While milder than Birds Eye Chillies, they have a bright, fresh flavour that works well in the Peri Peri marinade. If you prefer a little more heat, leaving the seeds in can give that extra kick. 

Serrano chillies are another option. They’re similar in heat to jalapenos but have a more fruity flavour. This can add a new dimension to the Peri Peri marinade. 

For those who love the heat, habanero or Scotch Bonnet peppers can be used. These are significantly hotter than Birds Eye Chillies, so use them sparingly unless you want a serious heat punch. 

If you can’t handle the heat at all, sweet bell peppers can be used. While they won’t add any heat, they’ll contribute to the overall flavour of the marinade. You can also add a dash of mild chilli powder to get a hint of that chilli flavour without the heat. 

Remember, the key is to adjust the amount and type of chillies to suit your taste. After all, cooking is all about creating a dish that you and your loved ones enjoy. 

Check Out These Other Recipes 

Alright, let’s continue our journey of exploring the flavours of grilled cuisine. As you savour the fiery taste of Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken, here are some additional recipes that you absolutely need to try next! 

Picture this, you’re enjoying your peri peri chicken, and on the side, you’ve got Nando’s Spicy Rice. Oh yes, this deliciously spicy and flavourful rice pairs perfectly with the fiery peri peri chicken, making every bite an adventure in flavour. 

But why stop there? How about adding some Grilled Chicken Wings into the mix? Trust me, they are marinated to perfection and grilled just right, resulting in a smoky and spicy delight that matches perfectly with your peri peri feast. 

What’s that you’re saying? You’re more of a lamb fan? No problem at all! Take a shot at my delicious Grilled Lamb Chops recipe. They’re succulent, tender, and grilled to a perfect char. That smoky aroma combined with the unique blend of spices…it’s just indescribable! 

You can’t finish your meal without a little crunch though, right? That’s where the French Fries come in. Crispy, golden, and lightly salted, they are the perfect contrast to the spicy, smoky flavours of the peri peri chicken. 

And last, but definitely not least, how about some Spicy Chicken Wings to turn up the heat a notch? Cooked to perfection and smothered in a tangy, spicy sauce, they’re the perfect ending to your peri peri exploration. 

I’d love to know what you think about these recipes. Do they tantalize your taste buds as much as they do mine? Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments section. Keep exploring, keep tasting, and most importantly, keep enjoying your culinary journey! 

Nandos Peri Chicken

Nando’s Peri-Peri Chicken

by Nabeela Kauser
Discover the exotic, spicy, and delicious experience of making your own Nando’s peri peri chicken at home. Be ready to embark on a culinary journey that's filled with flavour, and guaranteed to please everyone at the dinner table. 
5 from 9 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Course Dinner, Main Course
Cuisine South African
Servings 2
Calories 1078 kcal


  • 1 Chicken Whole
  • 50 ml Oil
  • 1 Onions Red
  • 6 Garlic Cloves
  • 8 Birds Eye Chillies
  • 1 tbsp Tomato Puree
  • 1 tbsp Paprika
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Sugar Brown
  • 1 tbsp Vinegar White
  • 1 tbsp Lemon Juice
  • Thyme Handful


  • First step is to spatchcock the chicken. Turn the chicken breast side down to remove the backbone. Cut either side of the backbone with a sharp pair of scissors or a knife.
  • Remove the backbone, then turn the chicken over and push down until you hear a crack.
  • Set the chicken aside and then mix all the ingredients into a blender to form the marinade.
  • Add half of the marinade and rub the mixture into the chicken on both sides – it is very important that the marinade is spread everywhere to ensure maximum flavour then refrigerate for at least 1 hour, for best results try to leave it for 24 hours.
  • Place the marinated chicken onto a roasting tray lined with foil.
  • Drizzle the marinated chicken with oil.
  • Roast in a preheated oven at 180°C (350°F) gas mark 4 for 45 minutes – this will depend on the exact size of chicken that is used, and it is important that you adjust the cooking time as necessary,
  • Baste the chicken with the juices.
  • Allow the peri peri chicken to rest for at least 10 minutes before serving.
  • You can serve this with a side of Nando’s spicy rice or Nando’s peri chips and enjoy!



Nutritional facts:
The provision of nutritional information is done so merely as a courtesy and should not be taken as a guarantee.


Calories: 1078kcalCarbohydrates: 12gProtein: 72gFat: 81gSaturated Fat: 18gTrans Fat: 0.5gCholesterol: 286mgSodium: 1436mgPotassium: 892mgFibre: 1gSugar: 5gVitamin A: 722IUVitamin C: 23mgVitamin D: 1µgCalcium: 76mgIron: 4mg
Keyword Chicken, Food, Grilled, Nandos, Peri Peri, Recipe
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Cook with Nabeela

Hi, I'm Nabeela!

I love to cook! I want to share with you my favourite, delicious family-friendly recipes. I want to inspire you to create fantastic food for your family every day.

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