Cheese & Onion Pasties
Cheese & Onion Pasties
5 from 1 vote
Discover the delectable journey of cheese and onion pasties, a savoury British classic, easy to master in your kitchen. This simple yet mouth-watering treat is perfect for all cooking levels, offering a fantastic culinary experience.
Cheese Onion Pasty

Isn’t it amazing how food connects us to places, cultures, and time periods we’ve never personally experienced? Take a moment and consider the humble, yet astoundingly delicious cheese and onion pasty.

Even if you’re unfamiliar with it, the moment you take that first bite, you’ll find yourself transported to a cosy British pub, the air filled with the friendly chatter of locals.

A culinary speciality originating from the United Kingdom, specifically from the region of Cornwall, the cheese and onion pasty holds a long history of nourishing miners and workers with its hearty, flavourful fillings.

This delightful handheld pastry has weathered the test of time, making its way from the humble Cornish households of the 19th century to modern-day gourmet kitchens around the globe.

Making cheese and onion pasties is remarkably approachable, no matter your experience level in the kitchen. So, if you’re an aspiring chef or a beginner home cook looking to expand your culinary horizons, this recipe offers an accessible challenge.

A pasty is essentially a delicious, portable meal wrapped in a beautiful golden pastry shell. It’s a simple concept that, when executed well, can yield a deeply satisfying gastronomical experience.

Although the fillings can vary, our version focuses on a classic combination that has earned a steadfast place in the hearts of pasty lovers: cheese and onion.

The two ingredients come together beautifully, with the sweetness of the onion complementing the rich, umami flavour of the cheese. Add potatoes into the mix, and you’ve got a trio of ingredients that feels comfortingly familiar yet distinctly British.

Are you a bit apprehensive about handling puff pastry? Don’t be! The puff pastry in this recipe serves as the encasing cradle for the filling, becoming beautifully golden and flaky as it bakes.

Though it might sound daunting, working with puff pastry is relatively simple once you get the hang of it. Plus, using pre-made puff pastry, as we do in this recipe, makes the process even more straightforward.

Overall, cheese and onion pasties represent a wonderful introduction to British cuisine, especially if you’re just starting to dip your toes into the world of international cooking.

The blend of flavours in these pasties is simple enough to appeal to a broad range of tastes, yet distinctive enough to make a lasting impression.

Embrace the adventure of creating these savoury morsels. Remember, as with any cooking venture, the journey should be just as enjoyable as the destination.

So, roll up your sleeves, and let’s embark on this culinary expedition together. Soon, you’ll be sharing the delicious warmth of homemade cheese and onion pasties with your loved ones, all the while revelling in the rich tapestry of culinary history you’ve just brought to life.

What Ingredients to Use & Why

In the culinary world, I’ve learned that the magic of a dish doesn’t necessarily lie in its complexity, but rather in the simplicity and the quality of its ingredients.

In my delightful recipe for cheese and onion pasties, every component, from the puff pastry sheet to the humble potatoes, contributes significantly to the final taste, texture, and appearance of the pasties.

Not only do these ingredients work together to create a harmony of flavours, but they also add valuable nutrients to the dish, making it a wholesome meal. Here’s a breakdown of each ingredient:

Puff Pastry Sheet: As the primary casing for our pasties, the puff pastry sheet is undoubtedly an essential ingredient. Its buttery flavour and light, flaky texture contrast wonderfully with the rich, creamy filling inside.

The pastry also bakes into a beautiful golden colour, adding a visually appealing element to the dish. While puff pastry is the traditional choice for pasties, an alternative could be shortcrust pastry, which provides a more crumbly, biscuit-like texture.

Onion: The chopped onion brings a touch of sweetness and a bit of bite to the pasties, helping to balance the rich cheese and the starchy potatoes. Onions also caramelize when cooked, contributing a depth of flavour to the dish.

If you’re not a fan of onions, you could try using leeks or shallots for a milder, slightly different flavour profile.

Potatoes: The diced potatoes add body and heft to the filling of our pasties, making them more satisfying and filling. Their mild, earthy taste also complements the sharper flavours of the cheese and onion.

Sweet potatoes could serve as an interesting alternative to regular potatoes, providing a touch of sweetness and a boost of vitamins.

Cheddar Cheese: With its bold, tangy flavour, cheddar cheese provides the primary flavour punch in our pasties. The cheese also melts when baked, creating a gooey, creamy filling that contrasts beautifully with the crispy pastry.

If you’re looking to experiment, other types of hard cheese, like Gouda or Emmental, could work well too.

Egg: The beaten egg serves two purposes in our pasties. It’s used as a ‘glue’ to help seal the pastry and hold it together during baking. It’s also brushed on the pasties before baking to give them a shiny, golden finish.

If you’re looking for an egg alternative, you could try a milk wash instead, though the final colour may not be as vibrant.

Salt and Black Pepper: These classic seasonings enhance the flavours of the other ingredients, making them more pronounced and harmonious. Feel free to adjust the quantities based on your taste preference.

If you want to experiment with different flavours, consider adding a dash of paprika or cayenne for a hint of spice.

Every ingredient in this recipe plays a pivotal role in shaping the final product. Each one adds a distinct taste, texture, or appearance that when combined, create a dish greater than the sum of its parts – our mouth-watering cheese and onion pasties.

Understanding the Delights of a Cheese and Onion Pasty

The origin of my love for cheese and onion pasties traces back to my childhood years. I remember my mother meticulously preparing them, the kitchen filled with the irresistible aroma of puff pastry, melting cheese, and onions.

A cheese and onion pasty is essentially a small pie, a treat with roots dating back to Cornwall in the United Kingdom. It’s filled with deliciously cooked potatoes, onions, and cheese, all encased in flaky puff pastry.

The primary ingredients for these little pockets of delight are cheese, onion, and potatoes. The cheese adds a delightful creaminess, while the onion provides a flavour base. Potatoes bring a tender bite to the mix.

The pastry exterior of the pasty is usually made from puff pastry, which gives a buttery, flaky texture and golden-brown finish. The fusion of these simple ingredients creates a comfort food that you can enjoy as a main course, a snack, or even for breakfast.

Cheese and onion pasties are versatile. They can be customized based on personal preferences or dietary needs. Some variations include the addition of different vegetables, herbs, and even meats.

You can experiment with different types of cheeses to bring about a whole new dimension of flavour. Despite its simplicity, a cheese and onion pasty is a wholesome, hearty meal, warm and satisfying.

It’s definitely worth a try, especially if you’re looking for a meal that’s comforting and easy to prepare.

Mastering the Art of Making Cheese and Onion Pasties

When I first learned to make cheese and onion pasties, I was astonished at how straightforward the process was. Despite the simplicity, the result is a heavenly snack, filled with the creamy texture of cheese, the crunch of onions, and the softness of potatoes.

The process begins by preheating your oven and preparing your potatoes. Boiling the potatoes ensures they’ll be soft and ready to mix with the other filling ingredients.

Meanwhile, chop your onion and grate the cheddar cheese. Once the potatoes are cooked and cooled, mix them with the onions and cheese, seasoning to your taste.

Next is the pastry. Unroll the puff pastry sheet and cut it into four rectangles. The size of the rectangles will determine the size of your pasties.

Spoon the prepared filling onto one half of each pastry rectangle, leaving a small border around the edges. These edges are brushed with beaten egg – the ‘glue’ that keeps the pasty sealed.

Fold the pastry over the filling, pressing the edges together with a fork. This creates a seal that keeps the filling safely contained while the pasty bakes. The pasties are then placed on a baking tray and brushed with the remaining beaten egg, which gives the pasty a golden-brown finish.

Finally, the pasties are baked until they become golden brown and crispy. Once ready, they should be cooled for a few minutes before being served. With a bit of practice, making cheese and onion pasties can become second nature, and the results are well worth the effort.

Choosing the Right Cheese for Cheese and Onion Pasties

In my culinary adventures, I’ve found that choosing the right cheese can dramatically transform the taste of a dish. This holds true for cheese and onion pasties as well. The cheese provides a delightful creaminess and is the soul of the pasty, so it’s important to select the right kind.

Traditionally, cheddar cheese is used in cheese and onion pasties. Its mild, creamy flavour complements the onion and potato filling perfectly. Additionally, cheddar melts beautifully, creating a luscious, gooey texture that contrasts wonderfully with the crisp puff pastry.

However, the world of cheese is vast and there are countless varieties to experiment with. Red Leicester can add a slightly nutty taste and a beautiful orange colour.

A sharp, mature cheddar can provide a stronger, more robust flavour. Gouda or mozzarella could make the pasties even creamier, while blue cheese can introduce a unique, pungent flavour profile.

In the end, the cheese you choose depends on your personal preference. Whether you prefer mild or sharp, creamy or firm, there’s a cheese that’s perfect for your cheese and onion pasties. Don’t hesitate to experiment and discover your own perfect combination!

Incorporating Other Vegetables in Cheese and Onion Pasties

Over the years, I’ve found joy in exploring the flexibility of recipes, and cheese and onion pasties are no exception. Even though the classic version calls for onion, potato, and cheese as the primary filling, there’s no rule saying you can’t add other vegetables!

For example, leeks can make a delightful addition. Their mild, sweet flavour goes well with the cheese and adds a different kind of crunch. You could also consider adding diced bell peppers for a pop of colour and a hint of sweetness.

For a touch of earthiness, mushrooms could be your ingredient of choice. They bring a unique umami flavour and a lovely texture contrast.

If you want a hint of bitterness, you can add greens like spinach or kale. These not only enhance the nutritional profile of your pasties but also introduce a different flavour dimension. For a bit of heat, try adding jalapenos or chilli peppers.

Ultimately, the beauty of cooking lies in personalizing recipes to suit your tastes. With cheese and onion pasties, feel free to play around and discover the perfect blend of flavours for you.

Perfecting the Baking Time for Cheese and Onion Pasties

Achieving the perfect bake for cheese and onion pasties was a learning curve for me. Too little time in the oven, and the pastries might be undercooked; too long, and they could end up overcooked.

But after a few tries, I realized that the key lies in observing the pastries and knowing the signs of a perfectly baked pasty.

Typically, cheese and onion pasties need about 25-30 minutes in the oven preheated to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. However, cooking times can vary based on the specifics of your oven or the size of your pasties.

The first clue to check for doneness is the colour of the pastry. A perfectly baked pasty has a golden-brown colour. It’s also puffy, with layers of pastry clearly visible.

Another thing to consider is the state of the filling. The cheese should be completely melted and the onions properly cooked. If you’re using raw onions in the filling, they should be translucent and soft.

In the end, experience is your best guide. With each batch of pasties you make, you’ll gain a better understanding of how your oven works and how to achieve the best results.

Freezing and Storing Cheese and Onion Pasties for Future Use

One of the things I love about making cheese and onion pasties is that they’re perfect for meal prep. You can make a large batch, freeze them, and have a ready-to-go meal or snack for days to come.

Before freezing, ensure the pasties have cooled completely. If you freeze them while they’re still warm, condensation can form in the container, leading to soggy pasties.

To prevent the pasties from sticking together, I prefer to freeze them individually first. Lay them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place them in the freezer. After a few hours, when the pasties are frozen solid, you can transfer them to a freezer bag or an airtight container.

When it’s time to eat, you can reheat the pasties directly from frozen. Pop them in a preheated oven and bake until they’re hot and crispy again. This typically takes a bit longer than the original baking time, as you’re starting from frozen.

Remember, the quality of frozen food diminishes over time. While frozen pasties can last a few months in the freezer, I recommend consuming them within a month for the best taste and texture.

Creating a Vegan Version of Cheese and Onion Pasties

In my journey as a home cook, I’ve had the opportunity to experiment with different dietary preferences and restrictions. One such experimentation was transforming the traditional cheese and onion pasties into a vegan delight.

The first thing to replace is the cheese. There are numerous vegan cheeses available in the market today that melt just like dairy-based cheese. My personal favourites are the ones made from cashews and coconut oil for their creaminess and rich flavour.

Next is the puff pastry. While many store-bought puff pastry sheets are accidentally vegan, it’s always a good idea to check the ingredients list. Look for a brand that uses oil or margarine instead of butter.

Finally, instead of brushing the pasties with egg, use plant-based milk. This gives the pasties a nice sheen when baked, just like an egg wash would.

With these tweaks, it’s entirely possible to enjoy delicious vegan cheese and onion pasties without compromising on the original’s taste and texture.

Preventing Filling Leakage in Cheese and Onion Pasties

When I first started making cheese and onion pasties, one of the challenges I faced was leakage. The delicious filling would seep out during baking, creating a mess in my oven. Over time, I’ve learned a few tricks to prevent this from happening.

The key lies in the assembly process. After placing the filling on the pastry, it’s crucial to leave a border around the edges. This allows enough space for the pasty to be sealed properly. Next, brushing the edges with a beaten egg helps create a secure seal, keeping the filling safely contained.

When folding the pastry over the filling, ensure that no filling is caught in the seal. Any bits of onion or cheese in the seal could cause it to open up during baking. Press the edges together firmly with a fork to make sure the pasty is well sealed.

Another thing to remember is not to overfill the pasties. While it’s tempting to add as much filling as possible, too much can cause the pastry to burst open in the oven.

With these tips in mind, you can ensure your cheese and onion pasties come out of the oven perfectly intact, with all the delicious filling safely enclosed inside.

What to Serve with Cheese and Onion Pasties

One of the joys of cooking for me is exploring various combinations of foods that harmonize on the plate. Cheese and onion pasties, with their comforting, savoury taste, pair well with several sides and accompaniments.

A classic pairing is a hearty soup. The creamy, savoury pasties complement the richness of a tomato soup or a vegetable broth beautifully. Together, they make a wholesome meal perfect for cold winter evenings.

Another classic is baked beans. The sweet, tangy beans contrast the savoury pasties, creating a delightful mix of flavours.

If you’re looking for a lighter pairing, consider a fresh, crisp salad. The cool, crunchy greens balance out the richness of the pasties. A tangy vinaigrette can also add a burst of acidity that complements the savoury pasties.

For a picnic or a casual lunch, you could pair the pasties with a variety of pickles and chutneys. The acidity and sweetness of these condiments bring out the flavours of the pasties.

Don’t forget about beverages! A refreshing iced tea or a tangy lemonade pairs well with the pasties.

Making Cheese and Onion Pasties with Homemade Puff Pastry

As an avid home cook, I’ve found immense satisfaction in preparing ingredients from scratch. There’s a certain joy in witnessing simple ingredients transform into something truly delightful. This was my experience when I decided to make cheese and onion pasties with homemade puff pastry.

Creating puff pastry at home might sound intimidating, but with some patience and practice, it’s entirely doable. You need just a few ingredients: flour, salt, water, and plenty of butter.

The magic of puff pastry lies in the technique of ‘laminating’ the dough, which involves folding and rolling the dough several times to create thin layers of butter within it.

The result of this process is a flaky, golden pastry that puffs up beautifully in the oven. The taste and texture of homemade puff pastry are incomparable to the store-bought version. The pasties turn out more tender and have a rich, buttery flavour.

While making homemade puff pastry for your cheese and onion pasties does require more time and effort, the end product is undoubtedly worth it. If you’re looking to elevate your pasties to the next level, I highly recommend giving homemade puff pastry a try.

Exploring Flavour Variations of Cheese and Onion Pasties

What I love most about cheese and onion pasties is their versatility. With just a few simple tweaks, you can create a plethora of flavours, making each bite a new adventure.

For a spicy kick, try adding chilli flakes or a dash of cayenne pepper to the filling. If you prefer something more aromatic, try adding herbs like thyme or rosemary. For a flavour twist, consider adding some diced bacon or ham to the filling for a salty, savoury note.

Another interesting variation could be the use of sweet onions or caramelized onions for a hint of sweetness that contrasts with the salty cheese. You can also experiment with the cheese itself. Smoked cheese can introduce a new depth of flavour, while blue cheese could bring a tangy note.

Exploring these variations has allowed me to experience the wide range of flavours that this humble pasty can deliver. The beauty of cooking lies in such experiments, and cheese and onion pasties are the perfect canvas for your culinary creativity.

Check Out These Other Recipes

If the delightful Cheese and Onion Pasties have your mouth watering, I’m thrilled to guide you further down the path of British cuisine. Trust me, there’s an exciting world of flavours to explore.

Imagine digging into a hearty Macaroni Cheese, where the oozy, gooey goodness of melted cheese swirls together with perfectly cooked macaroni. Just the right blend of indulgent and comforting, this dish is everything a cosy dinner could dream of.

But the love story with cheese doesn’t stop here. Picture a hot, garlicky piece of bread coming straight out of your oven. The delectable Garlic Bread with Cheese is a match made in heaven for any cheese lover, and a perfect companion for your soups and salads.

And then there’s Cottage Pie – the embodiment of warmth, comfort and a homely kitchen. Imagine a thick layer of flavourful, seasoned minced beef topped with fluffy mashed potatoes, beautifully golden-brown from the oven. It’s like a warm hug from your beloved grandma in a dish.

Feeling adventurous? Don’t forget to try your hand at the quintessential British Fish and Chips! Crispy, beer-battered fish fillets served alongside chunky chips is the perfect treat after a long day.

Last but not least, what if I told you about a tempting dessert that is as British as the Queen herself? Sticky Toffee Pudding is your answer. This sponge cake, deliciously soaked in rich toffee sauce, offers the sweet, gooey closure you need to end your culinary adventure on a high note.

Don’t forget to leave a comment and share your experiences with these dishes! I’d love to hear how you enjoyed them.

Cheese Onion Pasty

Cheese and Onion Pasties

by Nabeela Kauser
Flaky puff pastry with a warm and cheesy potato filling, these delicious cheese and onion pasties are the perfect appetiser for your next party. A cheesy pastry that can be served hot or cold.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Appetiser, Lunch
Cuisine British, Western
Servings 4
Calories 215 kcal


  • 2 rolls Puff Pastry Sheet 2 x 320g
  • 300 g Potatoes mashed
  • 200 g Cheddar Cheese
  • 50 g Butter
  • 1 Onion chopped
  • 1/2 Salt
  • 1/2 Black Pepper
  • 100 ml Milk
  • 1 Egg for egg wash


  • Begin by preheating your oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6.
  • Put the diced potatoes into a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and cook until they soften, usually taking about 10 minutes.
  • As the potatoes are boiling, melt the butter on low heat completely then add the onions with the salt and cook on low heat for 5 minutes until caramelised
  • Drain the potatoes then mash before adding into the onions, along with the rest of the ingredients
  • Mix everything together and then set aside to cool for at least 30 minutes
  • Take the puff pastry sheet and unroll it. Proceed to cut it into 4 rectangles.
  • On one half of each rectangle, spoon the cheese and potato mixture, making sure to leave some space around the edges.
  • Brush the edges with some beaten egg, then fold the other half of the pastry over the filling, ensuring that the edges are sealed by pressing them together with a fork.
  • Line a baking tray with parchment paper and place the pasties on it.
  • Brush the pasties with the remaining beaten egg.
  • Put the pasties into the preheated oven and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until they become golden brown and crispy.
  • Once they’re ready, take the pasties out of the oven and let them cool for a few minutes before serving.


  • If you want a cheesier pasty, you can add more grated cheese.
  • You can also experiment with the filling by adding other ingredients such as diced ham, mushrooms, or peas.
  • These pasties can be served either hot or cold, making them an excellent option for picnics or lunchboxes.
  • If you have leftover pasties, you can reheat them in the oven at 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4 for 10-15 minutes.
  • To prevent the pastry from becoming soggy, make sure to cool the onion and potato mixture before adding it to the pastry.
  • You can also freeze the pasties before baking them. Just place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper, freeze them until they become solid, then transfer them to a zip-lock bag and store them in the freezer for up to 2 months. When you’re ready to bake, put the frozen pasties on a baking tray and bake them for an additional 5-10 minutes
Nutritional facts:
The provision of nutritional information is done so merely as a courtesy and should not be taken as a guarantee.


Calories: 215kcalCarbohydrates: 23gProtein: 10gFat: 10gSaturated Fat: 5gTrans Fat: 0.01gCholesterol: 66mgSodium: 187mgPotassium: 538mgFibre: 3gSugar: 3gVitamin A: 313IUVitamin C: 24mgVitamin D: 0.4µgCalcium: 204mgIron: 1mg
Keyword After School Snacks, Cheese, Food, Freezer-Friendly, Kids Snacks, Party Food, Pastry, Ramadan, Recipe, Snack
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Cook with Nabeela

Hi, I'm Nabeela!

I love to cook! I want to share with you my favourite, delicious family-friendly recipes. I want to inspire you to create fantastic food for your family every day.

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