French Fries
French Fries
5 from 3 votes
Discover the rich world of French fries, the universally loved snack, and dive into the art of preparing them. Experience the crunch and taste like never before as you learn the proper steps to achieve the perfect fry at home.
French Fries

Ah, French fries, those delightfully crispy, golden wonders that have captured the hearts of food enthusiasts worldwide. When it comes to comfort food, French fries are in a league of their own. Simple in composition, yet varied in their application, these little gems are incredibly tantalizing.  

Whether you have them on their own or as a side to your favourite sandwich, the allure of the humble French fry is undeniable. But have you ever wondered about the history and journey of this popular snack? 

Originating from the heart of Europe, the story of French fries is steeped in mystery and intrigue. While the ‘French’ part of the name might lead you to think of the romantic streets of Paris, historians actually point towards Belgium as the birthplace of this delightful dish.  

Yes, that’s right! These ‘frites’, as they are known in their native land, were reportedly first enjoyed by the people residing near the River Meuse in the late 17th century.  

When the river froze during harsh winters, the locals turned to potatoes, cutting them into the familiar stick shape and frying them. And voila, the world was blessed with its first taste of what we now lovingly call French fries. 

Creating the perfect French fry, though, is somewhat of an art. It’s not just about slicing potatoes and dunking them in hot oil. If only it were that simple! The process involves a balance of precision, patience, and just a bit of technical know-how.  

For instance, Maris Piper potatoes are considered the gold standard for this recipe, known for their fluffiness and crispness when fried. And then there’s the process of soaking them, which aids in removing the extra starch and helps achieve that much-coveted crunchiness. 

Many people often ask me, “How difficult is it to make French fries?” And my answer is always, “Not difficult at all, but requires careful attention.”  

The recipe difficulty can be placed somewhere around a 3 out of 10. But worry not, I will guide you step by step, ensuring that your journey in crafting these crunchy masterpieces is fun, exciting, and fruitful. 

We’ll dive into the art of frying them twice, a method that guarantees an irresistibly crisp exterior while maintaining a fluffy, potatoey interior. We’ll also explore how to properly season the fries because, let’s face it, a French fry without the right sprinkling of sea salt is like a cake without icing. 

So, my fellow food explorers, fasten your aprons, gather your Maris Piper potatoes, and gear up for a culinary adventure into the deliciously crispy world of homemade French fries.  

It’s time to take the plunge into the sizzling pool of culinary delight, learning, laughing, and most importantly, enjoying every bite of our homemade masterpiece! 

What Ingredients to Use & Why 

The magic of cooking lies in the interplay of ingredients and their subtle transformations through heat, time, and the deft touch of the cook. In the case of French fries, often considered a simplistic dish, it’s easy to overlook the artistry that goes into their creation.  

In reality, the humble potato and the seemingly inconspicuous vegetable oil play leading roles in this culinary performance. 

Potatoes (Maris Piper): The chosen variety of potato for this recipe, Maris Piper, is a prime choice when it comes to making French fries. These potatoes are renowned for their high dry matter content, which means less moisture and more starch.  

This unique combination results in a crispy exterior and a fluffy interior when deep-fried, which is exactly what we’re looking for in a perfectly cooked French fry. Alternatively, if you can’t find Maris Piper potatoes, Russet or Yukon Gold potatoes are also great options for making French fries. 

Vegetable Oil: The oil used for frying is just as crucial to the outcome of the fries. Vegetable oil is a smart choice due to its neutral flavour and high smoke point, meaning it can endure the high temperatures required for deep frying without breaking down and emitting smoke.  

This allows the potatoes to cook thoroughly without absorbing an excessive amount of oil, resulting in a less greasy, more enjoyable fry.  

If you want to experiment with the flavour profile, you could use alternatives such as peanut oil or canola oil, both of which also possess a high smoke point. 

As you can see, while French fries may seem basic, there’s a science to selecting the right ingredients. Each one plays a significant role in achieving the ideal texture and flavour.  

So, the next time you’re in the kitchen preparing this classic snack, remember that it’s not just about simplicity, but also about the symphony of flavours and textures created by two seemingly basic ingredients. 

The Importance of Soaking Potatoes for French Fries 

When I first decided to master the art of homemade French fries, I was puzzled by one step in particular: soaking the potatoes. It seemed like an unnecessary delay in the process to sate my craving for that perfect, crispy indulgence.  

Yet, over time, I learned that this is an essential part of achieving restaurant-quality fries at home. 

Potatoes, especially the Maris Piper variety used in our recipe, are full of starch. Too much starch causes the fries to stick together and prevents that crispy exterior we all love. Soaking the potatoes in cold water helps remove this excess starch, and while it might seem like an inconvenience, it’s a step I never skip now. 

I soak my potatoes for at least 30 minutes. In that time, you’ll notice the water becoming cloudy – that’s the starch dissolving. However, the longer you can leave them soaking, the better.  

I sometimes prepare them in the morning and let them soak all day. This long soak ensures the most starch is removed, leading to perfectly crispy fries every time. 

After soaking, I rinse the potatoes thoroughly in a colander with cold water. This final rinse ensures any remaining starch is washed away. Then, it’s important to pat the fries dry with a paper towel.  

Too much water can cause the oil to splatter during frying, which is both dangerous and can reduce the temperature of the oil, leading to soggy fries. 

So, the next time you’re making French fries, remember that this simple act of soaking the potatoes is a secret weapon for achieving that perfect crunch. As someone who’s tried skipping it, trust me when I say it makes all the difference! 

A Guide to Frying Potatoes Twice for Perfect French Fries 

I was intrigued when I first read a French fry recipe instructing me to fry the potatoes twice. I thought to myself, “Isn’t once enough?”.  

As a home cook who loves delving into the ‘why’ behind cooking processes, I’ve come to understand the logic behind this two-step frying method and how it contributes to creating the perfect French fries. 

The first time you fry the potatoes, it’s done at a lower temperature, around 150C (300F). The aim here isn’t to get a golden colour or crispy exterior but rather to cook the potatoes through.  

This initial frying stage is known as ‘blanching’. By maintaining a relatively low oil temperature, the potatoes are gently cooked from the inside without the exterior getting overcooked. 

Once the first frying process is done, which in my case is about 5-6 minutes, the fries are removed from the oil and allowed to cool. Now, while it might be tempting to sneak a taste, the fries aren’t quite done yet. At this point, they’ll be fairly soft and pale – definitely not what we expect from a classic French fry. 

Here’s where the magic happens. I crank up the heat to 180C (356F) and return the fries to the hot oil. This second round of frying is what gives the fries that irresistible golden colour and mouth-watering crunch.  

Just a quick 2-3 minutes in the hotter oil is enough to transform our once pale and soft potatoes into beautifully crisp fries. 

The double-fry method might sound complex, but it’s a cooking technique I swear by. It’s the key to achieving that coveted crunchy exterior while ensuring a fluffy, fully-cooked interior. As someone who’s tasted the difference, I can assure you it’s worth the extra step. 

Identifying the Perfect Potatoes for French Fries 

I have experimented with various types of potatoes for making French fries. Through trial and error, I’ve learned that the type of potato you use makes a significant difference in the end result. 

The Maris Piper potato is my preferred choice for making French fries. Originating from the UK, these potatoes are highly praised for their fluffy interior and slightly sweet flavour.  

They have a dry and floury texture, which means they absorb less oil during the frying process, resulting in lighter, crispier fries. 

These potatoes are large and oval in shape, which makes them ideal for cutting into long, thick sticks. The skin is golden in colour and the flesh is creamy white. They maintain their shape well during frying, which means you won’t end up with broken or misshaped fries. 

If Maris Piper potatoes aren’t available, don’t despair. Other types can also produce great fries. Russet potatoes, for instance, have a high starch content and create a crispy exterior and fluffy interior when fried. Yukon Gold potatoes also make decent fries, although they tend to be less crispy and more creamy. 

Choosing the right potato is crucial for achieving that perfect balance of crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, which we all crave in a French fry.  

I can confidently say that the Maris Piper has never let me down, and I highly recommend giving them a try the next time you plan on making homemade fries. 

Mastering the Art of Cutting Potatoes into 1 cm Thick Sticks for French Fries 

As someone who takes pride in my homemade French fries, I can’t stress enough the importance of cutting your potatoes correctly.  

Ensuring they’re all roughly the same size guarantees an even cook, preventing some fries from burning while others are undercooked. So, how do you achieve the perfect 1 cm thick stick? 

First, I choose a good-sized potato. Maris Piper is my preferred variety for French fries due to their size and shape, which lend themselves well to being cut into sticks. I start by peeling the potato, then cutting off a small slice from one of the longer sides to create a stable base. 

Next, I place the potato with the cut side down on the chopping board. Then I slice it into 1 cm thick slabs. Now I have a potato cut into slices, much like bread. I take each slab and cut it again into 1 cm thick sticks. And there you have it: perfect French fry sticks! 

It might seem like a minor detail, but the size and shape of your fries will significantly impact their texture and taste. Too thick, and they may be undercooked inside.  

Too thin, and they could end up too crispy or burnt. Over time, I’ve found that a thickness of 1 cm strikes the perfect balance between a crispy exterior and a soft, fluffy interior. 

Remember, practice makes perfect. If your first few attempts don’t turn out quite right, don’t be discouraged. Keep trying, and before long, you’ll be cutting perfect French fry sticks every time. 

Deciphering the Right Amount of Vegetable Oil for Frying French Fries 

One question that puzzled me during my early attempts at making French fries was “How much oil should I use for frying?” After many batches of homemade fries, I’ve honed in on the ideal amount that creates the perfect crispy-on-the-outside, fluffy-on-the-inside French fries we all crave. 

Vegetable oil is my choice for frying because it has a high smoke point and a neutral flavour that doesn’t overpower the potatoes. The amount of oil needed depends on the size of your pot and the amount of fries you’re making. 

In my experience, it’s important to have enough oil to fully submerge the fries. This ensures an even, golden-brown colour on all sides. For a large pot and 1 kg of potatoes, I usually find around 1-2 litres of vegetable oil is the right amount. 

But keep in mind, the quantity of oil isn’t the only factor to consider. Maintaining the right temperature is equally crucial.  

The oil needs to be hot enough to seal the outside of the fries and prevent them from absorbing too much oil, but not so hot that it burns them. I aim for 150C (300F) for the first fry and 180C (356F) for the second. 

Perfecting homemade French fries is about more than just the potatoes. The type and amount of oil, as well as the temperature, are all crucial. With the right balance, you’ll achieve crispy, golden fries that aren’t overly oily or soggy. 

Substituting Vegetable Oil in French Fries: A Culinary Adventure 

I love experimenting with different ingredients and methods in my kitchen, and making French fries is no exception. Although vegetable oil is the traditional choice for frying due to its high smoke point and neutral flavour, I have tried other types of oil to see how they influence the taste and texture of the fries. 

Peanut oil is a great alternative that I’ve found to be quite successful. It has a high smoke point, similar to vegetable oil, which means it can withstand the high temperatures required for frying. Plus, peanut oil adds a slightly nutty flavour that pairs well with the potatoes. 

Another alternative I’ve enjoyed is canola oil. Like vegetable oil, it has a neutral flavour that doesn’t overshadow the natural taste of the potatoes. It also has a high smoke point, making it safe for high-temperature frying. 

Sunflower oil could also be used, which, like the previous oils, has a high smoke point. However, its flavour is slightly more pronounced, which could add an interesting twist to your fries. 

When experimenting with different oils, it’s important to consider the smoke point (the temperature at which the oil starts to burn and smoke) and the flavour profile. Remember, the goal is to enhance the natural deliciousness of the potato, not to overpower it. 

In my kitchen, variety is the spice of life. Trying out different oils for frying French fries has allowed me to appreciate the subtle nuances they bring to this beloved dish. So, don’t be afraid to deviate from the traditional vegetable oil and venture into the exciting world of culinary exploration. 

The Logic Behind Increasing the Heat for the Second Fry 

When I first encountered a recipe for French fries that called for two rounds of frying at different temperatures, I was intrigued. With some practice and research, I’ve come to understand why this particular technique is the secret behind achieving that perfect French fry texture we all love. 

The initial frying process, at a relatively lower temperature of 150C (300F), is known as blanching. At this stage, we’re not aiming to achieve a golden, crispy exterior. Instead, this first fry gently cooks the potatoes from the inside, ensuring they’re fully cooked through before we move on to the second round. 

After the initial fry, I increase the heat to 180C (356F). This jump in temperature allows the exterior of the potatoes to crisp up, achieving that classic French fry crunch. The inside, having been cooked during the first fry, remains soft and fluffy. 

This two-step frying method results in fries that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside – the holy grail of French fries. As someone who has tried frying at a constant temperature, I can vouch for the fact that this method, although it may seem a little more complicated, yields a far superior result. 

So, if you’re like me and striving to master the perfect homemade French fries, remember the importance of adjusting your oil temperature. It might be an extra step, but it’s one that makes all the difference. I guarantee it’s worth the effort! 

Exploring Alternatives to Maris Piper Potatoes for French Fries 

When it comes to making French fries at home, I am a firm believer in the Maris Piper potato. Its high starch content and fluffy interior make it ideal for achieving crispy, delicious fries. However, I also understand that these might not always be available. Through my culinary adventures, I’ve found other types of potatoes that can also do the job well. 

Russet potatoes, for example, are a solid alternative. These are typically easy to find in most grocery stores. Like the Maris Piper, Russets are high in starch, which is a crucial factor for achieving crispy fries. They also have a rough skin texture that crisps up well when fried. 

Yukon Gold potatoes are another good option. They have a slightly lower starch content than Maris Piper or Russet potatoes, which results in a creamier texture inside. While they may not be as crispy as fries made with high-starch potatoes, Yukon Golds still deliver a deliciously golden and tasty fry. 

Then there’s the Kennebec potato, a variety that’s gaining popularity in the culinary world for making French fries. These potatoes have a high starch content and a light, fluffy texture when cooked. 

Experimenting with different types of potatoes has enriched my French fry making experience. While the Maris Piper remains my favourite, I’ve enjoyed the subtle differences each variety brings to the table. I encourage you to explore these alternatives, and maybe even discover your own favourite! 

The Role of Sea Salt in Enhancing the Taste of French Fries 

One ingredient that I believe to be non-negotiable in a French fries recipe is sea salt. As a home cook, I’ve come to appreciate the vital role this humble ingredient plays in bringing out the flavour of my homemade fries. 

Sea salt, unlike table salt, contains a variety of minerals that give it a more complex flavour profile. When used in moderation, it enhances the natural taste of the potatoes without making them overly salty.  

Furthermore, the coarse texture of sea salt adds a delightful crunch to the fries that I find truly irresistible. 

I season my fries immediately after they’ve been fried for the second time and drained. This is because the residual heat from the fries allows the salt to adhere better and evenly distribute. A sprinkle of sea salt not only adds flavour but also provides a slight crunch that elevates the texture of the fries. 

It’s important to keep in mind that less is more when it comes to salting your fries. I start with a small amount, taste, and then add more if needed. Remember, you can always add more salt, but you can’t take it away once it’s there. 

In my kitchen, sea salt is the finishing touch that turns good French fries into great ones. It enhances the natural flavour of the potatoes, adding a satisfying crunch that’s the perfect complement to the soft, fluffy interior of the fries.  

So, next time you’re making homemade French fries, don’t forget that sprinkle of sea salt. Your taste buds will thank you! 

Serving French Fries Immediately: A Necessary Step 

We’ve all been there. You’ve spent time carefully preparing and frying your homemade French fries, and now you want to sit down and savour your hard work. But, as any experienced home cook will tell you, there’s one final step that can make or break your French fry experience – serving them immediately. 

I can’t stress enough the importance of serving French fries as soon as they’re ready. Like many fried foods, French fries start to lose their crispiness as they cool. If left too long, they can become soggy and lose their appealing texture.  

I ensure I have everything else ready to go so that as soon as my fries are done, they can be served and enjoyed at their best. 

Additionally, serving immediately allows the heat of the fries to bring out the full flavour of the sea salt sprinkled on top. The heat helps to dissolve the salt slightly, allowing it to meld better with the potato for a well-seasoned fry. 

Through trial and error, I’ve learned that serving French fries immediately isn’t just a suggestion; it’s a key step to achieving the perfect end result. The warmth of the fries delivers not just a fantastic taste but also a comforting sensation that’s part of the whole French fries experience. 

So, when you’re planning to cook up a batch of homemade French fries, make sure your timing is spot on. That way, you’ll be able to serve your fries straight from the fryer to the plate and savour them at their crispy, delicious best. 

Check Out These Other Recipes 

Step right into my kitchen, folks! If my French Fries tickled your taste buds, you’re going to love what’s coming next. 

Ever tried crafting a Homemade Hamburger? It’s a classic, and guess what – it goes perfectly with our beloved fries. Imagine sinking your teeth into a juicy beef patty tucked between soft buns, slathered in sauce, and paired with a side of my crispy French fries. Your taste buds are sure to do a happy dance! 

Now, if that’s got you hankering for more of my culinary secrets, you have to give the classic crunchy Southern Fried Chicken a whirl. Juicy chicken, encased in a golden, crispy exterior that gives way with a satisfying crunch, it’s nothing short of mouth-watering. And trust me, nothing quite pairs with it like a heap of my French fries. 

But if you’re craving a bit of Mexican flair, don’t you worry, I’ve got you covered. Check out the heavenly Cheesy Potato Quesadilla recipe.  

This comfort-food classic filled with a gooey cheese blend and crispy potatoes, all toasted to perfection, is an adventure waiting to happen. Plus, you already know that potatoes are my thing, right? 

And let’s not forget the Fish and Chips. A British classic that’s enjoyed worldwide, this recipe has crispy battered fish fillets served alongside, you guessed it – fries! But not just any fries, these are seasoned to perfection and just waiting to complete your at-home chippy experience. 

To finish off on a sweet note, you’ve got to try my Kinder Bueno Ice Cream. This homemade delight filled with chunks of Kinder Bueno and a smooth, creamy base will transport you straight to your childhood. And it’s the perfect dessert after a hearty junk food feast! 

Have a go at these recipes and let me know how it turns out. Drop a comment and let’s get this food conversation started! 

French Fries

French Fries

by Nabeela Kauser
Discover the rich world of French fries, the universally loved snack, and dive into the art of preparing them. Experience the crunch and taste like never before as you learn the proper steps to achieve the perfect fry at home. 
5 from 3 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Soaking Time 30 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Course Side Dish, Snack
Cuisine American
Servings 4
Calories 292 kcal


  • 1 kg Potatoes Maris Piper
  • Vegetable Oil For frying


  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into 1 cm thick sticks.
  • Put them in a bowl with cold water and soak for at least 30 minutes to remove the remaining starch from the potatoes.
  • Transfer the potatoes to a colander and rinse throughly with cold water.
  • Drain the fries and pat the dry with a paper towel.
  • In a large bowl add the oil and heat to 150C (300F).
  • Fry the fries for 5-6 minutes until lightly browned.
  • Drain with a paper towel.
  • Increase the heat to 180C (356F).
  • Fry the fries again for 2-3 minutes until they become crisp.
  • Drain on a paper towel.
  • Season fries with sea salt and serve immediately.


Nutritional facts:
The provision of nutritional information is done so merely as a courtesy and should not be taken as a guarantee.


Calories: 292kcalCarbohydrates: 46gProtein: 5gFat: 10gSaturated Fat: 2gSodium: 22mgPotassium: 1053mgFibre: 6gSugar: 2gVitamin A: 5IUVitamin C: 49mgCalcium: 30mgIron: 2mg
Keyword Chips, Crispy, Food, Fries, McDonalds, Recipe
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Cook with Nabeela

Hi, I'm Nabeela!

I love to cook! I want to share with you my favourite, delicious family-friendly recipes. I want to inspire you to create fantastic food for your family every day.

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